Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Others May, You Cannot

Years ago as a teenager I came upon this piece of writing in a tract.  I was immediately impressed by its message.  Following God wholeheartedly has its costs.  At times this can admittedly seem burdensome as we look with longing on what other Christians feel free to do.  Things that we can’t do.  Things that God won’t allow us to do. 

There are several things in my life that I can point to in this regard.  After years of purposely driving 5 - 10 mph over the speed limit one day God spoke to me about it.  I called myself a law-abiding citizen but that wasn't actually true.  I obeyed the laws I wanted to obey and disobeyed the laws I didn't want to obey.  So, from that day forward, I committed myself to driving the speed limit.  Wow, is that difficult! Out on the highway I get passed by almost everybody - teens, soccer moms, senior citizens.  Unfortunately I complain about it too.  "Look at how fast he's going!  Why, he's going at least 20 mph over the speed limit!  Why don't people like him get a ticket?"  God still has work to do on me in this area.

The other area that relates to this is movies.  Many years ago I decided that I needed to have some sort of rule for our family in regard to movies.  I knew that R-rated movies were out and since PG-13 was right next to that category, I decided that I wouldn't watch them either.  This left me with G and PG only.  Do you know how many movies today are rated G and PG?  Not many.  Probably less than 20%.  This means that I am pretty much left out of discussions regarding the latest movies since I haven't seen them.  And of course, telling people that you've already seen the latest movie makes you cool, hip, up-to-date.  This means that I am un-cool, un-hip, and out-of-date.  Oh well, there is a price to everything.  (I have watched some R-rated movies that don't have sex, swearing or graphic violence.  For example, I have the complete extended version of the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy but this is a rare exception.)

Now, I am not trying to be legalistic here.  It's just that there are some things that God won't allow me to do, plain and simple.  I imagine that it's the same with you.  So, if you’ve ever felt the refining holiness of God in your life, if you've ever felt out-of-sync with other Christians, if God simply won't allow you do to things that others do, then this message is for you!  It is geared toward those who are in ministry but I think the message applies to everyone.  (PS - I’ve modified some of the older language to make it more contemporary.)

Others May, You Cannot

If you want to truly be like Jesus then be prepared to pay the price - because God will lead you into a life of crucifixion and humility.  He will put demands of obedience on you that He does not seem to put on other Christians around you.  In many ways, He will seem to let them do things that He will not allow you to do.

Others who seem to be very spiritual and used by God may promote themselves, use their connections and employ worldly methods to be successful in ministry, but you cannot.  If you do attempt to use these methods you will meet with such failure and rebuke from the Lord so as to make you very sorry.

Others can brag about themselves, their work, their successes, their writings, but the Holy Spirit will not allow you to do any such thing.  If you begin to do so, He will lead you into such deep sorrow and remorse that you will despise yourself and all your good works.

Others will be allowed to earn much money, to receive a financial windfall, or to enjoy the finer things of life, while God supplies your needs on a day-to-day basis.  He does this because He wants you to have something far better than gold - a helpless dependence on Him and His unseen treasury.

The Lord may let others be honored and live in the spotlight while keeping your efforts hidden in obscurity because He wants to produce some choice, fragrant fruit for His coming glory, fruit which can only be produced in the shade.

God may let others be great, but keep you small.  He will let others do a work for Him and get the credit, but He will make you work and toil without knowing how much you are actually accomplishing.  Then, to make your work still more precious, He will let others get the credit for the work which you have done.  This is to teach you about humility and the cross; to teach you something of the value of being clothed with His nature.  The Holy Spirit will put a strict watch on you, and with a jealous love will rebuke you for careless words and feelings, or for wasting your time, none of which other Christians ever seem disturbed by.

So make up your mind that, as Lord of your life, God has a right to do with you as He pleases.  He does not have to explain to you why He treats you differently from His other servants.  All you need to do is trust Him.  If you sell yourself to Him as His slave He will be jealous for you and not allow you to say and do many things that others do.  Settle it now - you will constantly be under the Holy Spirit’s watchful eye and direction.  He will control your tongue and eyes in ways that are unknown to others.  However, the reward for all of this is that when you are completely possessed by the Living God, He will be pleased with you.  Your every thought, word and deed will be an act of worship that He treasures above all else - and you will know His pure, deep, abiding love in your life.

G. D. Watson (1845-1924) was a Wesleyan Methodist minister

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