Thursday, April 12, 2012

Every Knee. Every Tongue.

These are dark days for those of us who are Christians in America.  This is because our faith is increasingly coming under attack.  Crosses, manger scenes and anything else that smacks of religion, are being removed from courthouses, schools and public buildings.  There are newly-imposed limits on our military chaplains.  And while Christianity is still legal, and we have the right to worship as we please, our days are numbered.  The liberal media and our secular educational system has done a very good job of poisoning the minds of the public against Christianity.  They have made veritable mountains out of molehills, characterizing all Christians as being judgmental.  Militant.  And a threat to world peace and order.

Unfortunately this kind of anti-Christian sentiment has long been going on in other countries of the world.  Countries in which there is no freedom of worship.  Or where the appearance of the freedom of worship is just that - all show and no substance.  Christians in these countries are still not free to express their faith publicly.  And Heaven forbid that they should convert anybody!

In the midst of such a gloomy future there is hope.  And that hope is found in Jesus Christ.  Like it or not, believe in Him or not, Jesus is God’s Son.  He always has been.  And He always will be.  While He was still on earth, Jesus told His disciples many times that He was going to return to earth.  We know this as His Second Coming.  When it is going to happen, only God knows.  But it will happen.  Jesus said so.  When Jesus does return, He is going to return visibly (every eye will see Him), in power, and great glory.  His coming will keep humankind from exterminating itself.  And He will seize total and absolute control of the governments of earth.  At that time He is going to become King Jesus, Lord and Master of earth.  And the entire universe.  Finally, the peace and righteousness that humankind has been longing for since the Garden of Eden will become reality.  Of course, knowing that these events will happen is a source of great joy and comfort to us, as Christians.  We are going to go from being despised, persecuted and hunted down to reigning with Jesus.  In the twinkling of an eye! 

What I really want to focus on, however, is Philippians 2:10-11.  At some point in time after Jesus returns to earth, the Apostle Paul tells us that “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”  Notice three very important aspects about these verses.

    1 - Every being in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth.
    2 - Every knee will bow
    3 - Every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.

In these verses we are told that somewhere in the future everyone will bow down before Jesus.  And publicly state that He is Lord.  As Christians, we already do this.  Willingly.  But this doesn’t stop with just Christians.  These verses use the word ‘every’.  Think of what this means.

It means that someday Caiaphas & Annas, the High Priest and his father-in-law, who both hated Jesus, will publicly bow down and acknowledge that He is Lord.   So, too, will Pilate and Herod.  As will the members of the Sanhedrin and the Temple guard who taunted and beat Jesus.  It includes Pilate’s soldiers who also taunted and tortured Jesus.  It includes every single person down through history.  Kings and queens.  Presidents and dictators.  Generals and politicians.  Rich and famous.  Middle class and poor.  Every agnostic.  Every atheist.  Every demon.  And Satan himself!  Every single being, with the exception of the Trinity, will bow the knee and confess with their mouths that Jesus is Lord!

Knowing this, we can bide our time.  Dark days are ahead for us.  But only for a while.  In the end, Jesus wins.  And we win with Him.  What a thrilling time that will be to see Jesus get the glory, honor and worship that He deserves.  Every single being bowing the knee.  And every tongue confessing that Jesus is Lord!  It will happen.  The Bible says so.

Lord, I confess that there are days when I am frightened.  So many people can’t stand You these days.  They want nothing to do with You.  Or Your Word.  Or Your people.  Clearly persecution and suffering lie ahead.  But someday, You are going to reveal Yourself to the world.  Then everyone will see who You really are.  And will give you the worship and praise that You richly deserve.  What a great day that will be.  Help me to be faithful until that day comes.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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