Saturday, April 14, 2012

Do It Now!!

In yesterday’s post I mentioned how I am organized.  And enjoy it.  In fact, some of my pastoral colleagues have commented that I am the most organized person they know.  (I think that’s a compliment?)  Today I want to continue my thoughts on the subject and the spiritual principle at work here.

Yesterday I mentioned how the disorganized person operates. So how does this contrast with the organized person?  The organized person takes an extra 10 seconds and hangs their coat in the closet.  They take an extra 2 minutes and put their clean clothes away where they belong.  They take an extra 10 seconds and put their dirty clothes in the hamper.  They take an extra 30 seconds and put their plates, silverware and cup in the dishwasher.  They take an extra 10 seconds and hang up the keys to their vehicle.   Do you see the pattern?  Rather than lay something down and say, ‘I’ll get to it later’, they take time right away and put things where they belong.  They do it now.  And what is the result?  Very little, if any clutter.  No time spent searching for things.  Items are easily located since they are where they are supposed to be.  No money is spent purchasing things that are later found.  All because they took a little extra time in the beginning.  So one of the basic differences between the unorganized person and the organized person is that the unorganized person procrastinates.  The organized person lives by the motto, Do it now.

Where am I going with all this?  The Do-It-Now principle is not only  great for being organized.  It is absolutely essential for salvation.  You see, when a person first hears the Gospel message, they are faced with a decision.  Actually 3 decisions.  One, respond right away.  Admit that they are a sinner.  Confess their sins.  Put their faith in Jesus as their Savior.  Two, they can make a decision to not believe in and respond to the Gospel.  Three, they can procrastinate.  Not make a decision.  (Which really is a decision to not accept.)  All things considered, the ‘I’ll make a decision at a later date’ may be the worst one of the three.  Simply because it offers false hope.  ‘Someday I’ll explore the claims of Christianity thoroughly’.  ‘Someday I’ll get right with God’.  ‘Someday I’ll begin living for Him’.    Unfortunately, for many people, ‘someday’ never comes.  They die in their sins.  They are eternally lost.  Sentenced to spend an eternity in Hell.

This is why Scripture is so adamant!  Now is the day of salvation.”  Do not procrastinate!  Tomorrow is promised to no one.  You may have every intention of surrendering your life to God in the future.  But you might forget.  You might get busy with all the clutter of life.  You might die before you get another opportunity.  All sorts of things can happen.  And none of them is good.  Why wait?  Why not put your faith in Jesus, now?  Why not get rid of the sin and guilt that you’ve been carrying around for so long?  Why not come running into the arms of Jesus - the One who loved you enough to die for you?

If you haven’t put your faith in Jesus as your Savior, the very best advice that I can give you is, Do It Now!  Right away.  Stop reading!  Hit your knees.  Pray.  Confess.  Accept.  Believe.  Get your life organized, beginning with the most important part - the spiritual.  I can assure you - you won’t regret it!

Lord, I pray for anyone who is reading this blog who hasn’t put their faith in You.  Impress upon them the urgency to come to You, now!  To not delay or put off this important decision.  To realize just how wonderful You are.  To understand how much You have sacrificed to make this relationship possible.  To come running to Your arms.  And never look back.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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