Friday, October 14, 2011

The Choice Is Ours

Read Matthew 6:25-34, I Peter 5:7

Ever notice that our world has become much smaller these days?  Gone is the day when we felt safe and secure in our own little communities.  Now the big, bad world is right there on our doorstep.  In a matter of minutes we can learn of the kidnapping of a child in Alabama, the impending default of the Greek economy, or the latest American military casualties in Afghanistan.  And, of course, the news from our local community is not much better.  Unemployment is up, as well as retail prices and crime.  There’s just not a lot of good news these days.  Or if there is, it doesn’t make the headlines.

Then there are the personal struggles that each of us has.  Overwork, lack of sleep, chaotic schedules, strained relationships, family members who are facing health issues, stretching the Almighty Dollar farther and farther.  You know.  You deal with it every day.  Just like I do.  I guess what I’m saying in all this is that there is a lot to worry about these days.  An awful lot.  And while experts tell us that 90% of what we worry about never happens, with all the stuff there is to worry about, the remaining 10% can actually add up to be quite a bit!  What can we do?  Well, we have a choice.

In Philippians 4:6 the Apostle tells us “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything.”  Do you see the choice in this verse?  Worry or pray.  Hmmm.  I know all about the worry option.  What is the prayer option?  Paul goes on to write, “Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.”  The prayer option consists of requests and thanksgiving.  Asking God for what we need.  Thanking Him for what He has done.  If we will do this verse 7 gives us the results that we can expect.  “Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”  The results we can expect are peace.  Peace of heart.  Peace of mind.  So ultimately the choice is between worry and peace.  Does that sound like much of a choice to you?  It’s sort of like trying to choose between eating turnips and a bowl of ice cream.  It’s not really much of a choice after all!  But the fact is that we still need to make a choice.

You see, worry comes naturally.  So naturally that we can worry most of the day about this and that, and not even realize it.  That’s why we need to make a choice.  A deliberate choice not to engage in the natural activity of worry.  A deliberate choice to engage in the supernatural activity of prayer.  When we make this choice then God’s peace will guard our hearts and mind.

I don’t know that I enjoy worrying.  It takes an awful lot out of me.  That’s why I am glad that there is an option available.  God’s option.  Prayer.  In fact, it’s not an option.  It’s my only hope of surviving in this world.

Lord, there is so much to worry about these days.  And most of it seems legitimate.  Help me to realize that You have provided me with an option to worry.  An option to pray.  To be worry-free.  To trust You.  Help me to choose to take advantage of it.  Frequently.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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