Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Personal Prayer

Back in the summer of 1987 I was working as a warehouse manager in Buffalo, NY.  I was making more money than I ever had before...and I hated it!  Each day I went to work I marked a large, black X on the calendar.   It was at this time of intense searching for God (which led to my decision to enter Bible college and ultimately the pastorate) that I formulated the following prayer, which I usually pray first thing most mornings.  It is a prayer of consecration of my entire body to God.

Dear Lord, today let me live for You.  

Let my eyes look only upon that which is good and may they be able to see the good and positive in others.  

Let my ears be attentive to Your voice and to the cry of those around me.  

Guard my tongue and keep it from evil.  May it be under Your control that I might give You praise and proclaim Your name.  Help me to encourage and strengthen others whom I meet.

Let my feet be careful to walk in Your way and may my hands be found doing Your will.

Let my mind be renewed by Your Holy Spirit, taking every thought captive, and may my heart beat with Your love and a passionate desire to serve You.

May everything that I do this day bring You glory.  In Christ's name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Pastor Jim. Right now, in my present situation, I need that prayer!
    It's much like you said - I'm making more money than ever before, but I'm not happy doing it. God bless.
