Saturday, May 7, 2011

Getting Into The Picture

The past few years sports broadcasters have been doing their announcing (at least during intermissions, halftime, etc.) from the floor instead of the broadcast booth.  I suppose that it is an effort to bring the game closer to the fans.  Meanwhile this has birthed a whole new craze - the 15 seconds of fame!  While the broadcasters are busy talking, all kinds of stuff is going on behind them - people pushing & shoving, holding signs, making faces, waving, calling someone on their cell phones, etc.  It seems that everyone wants to be on camera.  Even if they aren't the focal point of the picture they at least want to get some 'face' time.  I don't know about you but many times this is distracting to me.  I'm trying to listen the comments being made but my eyes keeping looking at the fans in the background and what they are doing. 

Sometimes I feel that we do this to God.  He does something really great and people are pretty excited about it and focusing on Him.  Invariably, however, we have to get our 15 seconds of fame and get into the picture.  We do this by taking some credit for the deed, idea, quote, lesson, sermon or whatever is going on.  Instead of just silently letting the spotlight be on God and let Him get all of the glory - we like to take a little bit of it for ourselves!  We don't want it all, mind you - all we want is a little piece.

How does God feel about this?  In Isaiah 42:8 He says, "I am the LORD, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another."  The fact is that when glory is given to anything or anyone else other than God, it becomes an idol.  The way to get glory is by giving it to God and letting Him glorify us!  That's what Jesus did!

Lord, forgive me for those times when the focus is on You and I attempt to get a little bit of praise and recognition for myself.  Help me to be more sensitive and humble and not a distraction.  Amen.

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