Obstacles are things that are in our or someone else's way. They can be most anything. The first thought that comes to my mind is a tree that the wind has blown across a road. Or a downed ‘live’ power line. When we encounter something like this it stops us in our tracks. We can’t reach our destination unless we remove the obstacle or find a way around it. If we can’t do either of these then we have no choice but to go back.
Of course, one of the most famous concepts regarding obstacles is the ‘obstacle course’. Whether it’s for recreation or in the military, an obstacle course is full of things that have to be overcome. Through climbing. Swinging. Crawling. Swimming. Jumping. The goal is to surmount every obstacle and make it to the finish line.
Of course, one of the most famous concepts regarding obstacles is the ‘obstacle course’. Whether it’s for recreation or in the military, an obstacle course is full of things that have to be overcome. Through climbing. Swinging. Crawling. Swimming. Jumping. The goal is to surmount every obstacle and make it to the finish line.

Finally, there are (for lack of a better word) intangible obstacles. Not having an education. Or training. Or money. Or a support system. Or maybe it’s being too young. Or too old. Or the wrong gender. Or the wrong nationality. The point is that there are a lot of obstacles in life. And, sooner or later, everyone encounters them. Big and small. It is how we handle these obstacles that separates the winners from the losers. The people who persevere from the people who give up.
One saying that is in play here is this:
When you want to do something, nothing is an obstacle.
When you don’t want to do something, everything is an obstacle.
I see these principles at work everyday in the lives of Christians. For example, a person is planning on a weekend camping trip. But they get off work late on Friday. They are tired. It begins to rain. They have a flat tire. But since they really want to go camping, none of that matters. They simply persevere and they get where they want to go.
On the other hand, let’s take going to church on Sunday morning. This same person was up late Saturday night. They are tired. It’s raining. They have a flat tire. What happens? Most of the time they don’t go. There were too many obstacles in their way. Funny but these were exactly the same obstacles involved in the camping trip. But they went camping. They didn’t make it to church. What’s the difference?
The key to overcoming obstacles can be seen in a single word. Desire. That’s it. The fact is that when we really want to do something we won’t take no for an answer. By George, no one or nothing is going to stop us! Because we really want to do it. But when we are ambivalent toward something, when we don’t want to do something, it is amazing how everything becomes an obstacle.
Sadly, it is the lack of desire that I see that keeps most Christians from being transformed into the person that Jesus wants them to be. They have all kinds of time, enthusiasm and energy for what they want to do. But very little for what Jesus wants them to do. Sad. Really sad.
So, the next time that you don’t feel like doing something that Jesus wants you to do, stop. Pray. Ask Jesus to infuse into you a desire to do His will. And then overcome that obstacle. Don’t let anything or anyone stop you from becoming all that He wants you to be!
“He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne.” Revelation 3:21
Lord, give me a burning, passionate desire to serve You. As I encounter various obstacles in my path, give me the strength, patience and perseverance to get past all of them. Help me to be an overcomer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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