Another interesting fact is that hummingbirds consume their own weight in nectar each day. Their own weight. Each day. Every day. I don’t know if this is a good comparison or not but could that be the equivalent of us eating between 150 - 250 lbs of food per day? If it is a good comparison can you imagine what we would all look like? Let’s not go there! In order to get that much nectar a hummingbird has to visit hundreds of flowers per day. And you thought that hummingbirds had it easy, didn’t you? The reality is, get this, that every hummingbird is only hours away from starving to death. Hours! That's right. It seems that hummingbirds are barely able to store enough food to survive overnight. (Yikes! Remember that the next time you get up during the night to raid the refrigerator!)
The way that hummingbirds survive nights is by slowing down their metabolism. Down to 50 - 180 beats per minute. That is quite a decrease from 1,260. This places them in a hibernation-like state known as torpor. When in torpor both their heart rate and their breathing is drastically reduced. This results in less energy burned. Which results in less need for food. One again, hummingbirds are another example of the creative genius of God!
What do these facts have to do with us? I don’t know that it’s a direct correlation but it speaks to me of our dependency upon God. First of all, He is the One who sustains us. The fact is that all of us are only one heartbeat away from eternity. It is God who, moment by moment, gives us the breath of life. Secondly, it reminds me of our need to constantly be feasting on God. His Spirit. His Word. His very life. No, we won’t shrivel up and die if we miss a few hours of God. But the point is that we need Him. That’s right, need Him. The longer we go without intimate contact with God the worse condition we become spiritually. Sin begins to creep in. And discouragement. Complaining. Jealousy. You name it.
What we need to do then, is to recognize how utterly dependent upon God we really are. David recognized this. In Psalm 42:1-2 he writes, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” Sounds pretty desperate to me. The kind of desperation I need to bring to the table every day. Yep, every day. I am an incredibly needy person. And only God can satisfy my needs. And give me hope. And joy. And strength. And life itself.
Lord, I need You. Every day. Every hour. Every moment. Keep me from being self-sufficient. Help me to learn to become completely dependent upon You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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