I read the following quote somewhere. I’m not sure who to attribute it to. I think it might have been G K. Chesterton. Anyway the quote is as follows: Only living things can go against the flow. Sounds about right to me. In all my years of fishing I don’t remember seeing one dead object flow upstream. They always flow downstream. The reason is simple. They have no life that can resist the steady force of the water. The result is that they are helplessly carried downstream. At the mercy of wherever the water might deposit them.
One thing about Christianity is that it goes against the flow. Against the flow of culture. Against the flow of popular opinion. Against the flow of the ‘world’. This is why being a Christian is so hard at times. We are going against the flow. Constantly. And if you’ve ever tried to swim upstream, you know from personal experience that it is hard. Difficult. Exhausting. As Christians, every day we find ourselves swimming against the flow of a godless society.
Unfortunately, over the years, I have seen some Christians who used to swim against the flow, give up. They got tired of the effort. Of the constant struggling. They decided to just go with the flow. In some cases this was not intended to be a permanent decision. They were only going to drift for a little while. Then start swimming upstream again. Sadly, they never got around to resuming swimming. Going with the flow was so effortless. So easy. So popular. Next thing they knew they were pretty far downstream. Not a pretty picture. Tragic is how I would describe it.
The truth of the matter is that it takes a lot of dedication and dependance upon God to swim against the flow. Daily. Especially when we get tired. Especially when others are effortlessly flowing past us downstream. Smiles on their faces. Seemingly enjoying life. Calling us to join them. But they are going a place we don’t want to go. Away from God.
After conquering most of the Promised Land, Joshua issued the following challenge to the Israelites in Joshua 24:15. “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve....but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” The fact is that no one goes upstream without making a decision to. Without a lot of perseverance. Without relying upon the Holy Spirit for strength every single day.
Like you, I get tired at times. I wonder whether it’s really worth all the effort. But deep down I know that it is. Someday all the years of going against the flow is going to pay off. Big time. For us. For our families. For many others. It will also bring praise for us from the lips of Jesus. That’s enough to keep me going. To keep going as long as I have to. Until Jesus comes.
Lord, You never promised that following You would be easy. In fact, many times You told us just exactly how difficult it would be. In these days when so many people are going with the flow help me not to give up. To keep my eyes on You. To continue to swim against the current in the power of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Its been awhile since I have been able to catch up on your blog....stuck in the flow I guess...these posts, especially your prayers, are a real blessing to me and help me to try my best to fight the current. Thank You. I like your additions of shelfari and the tunes...you are getting quite techy...I see tweeting in your future. Casey