Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Pastor To All

When I first entered the pastorate 19 years ago I had a pretty good idea of what ministry would be like.  I knew that there would be sermons to preach and Sunday School classes to teach.  Board meetings to lead, sick people to visit, as well as funerals and weddings to officiate.  I knew that I would be responsible for the spiritual care and well-being of my congregation.  (I prefer the term ‘flock’.)  What I didn’t realize is that I would also be a pastor to people who were not a part of my church.  That was a surprise.

Like every pastor, I have people who used to come to my church who no longer attend.  Fortunately I don’t think that any of them had a problem with me.  (Whew!)  It’s more that they didn’t like the music.  Or they had friends in another church.  Or our church’s doctrine didn’t line up exactly the way they believed.  The end result is that they no longer attend here.  Then there is the fact that, over the years, I know a lot of people from other churches.  And in the community.  Finally, there is the drop-in traffic that every pastor gets.

The amazing thing is how many of these people see me as their pastor.  And none of them attend my church!  Whenever they have a problem, they come to me.  They call me at home.  Or they stop by the office.  I listen them.  Try to counsel them as best I can.  And pray for them.  Just today I had a guy in my office who used to attend our church years ago.  Unfortunately he hasn’t gone anywhere in quite some time.  When we were finished talking I told him that we would love to be his church family again.  He proceeded to tell me that he was looking at 2 or 3 other churches to attend.  (Fine, I thought.  Just pick one!  Get involved!)  As he was leaving he gave me a hug and said, “You’ll always be my pastor!”

I am not complaining about this.  I am committed to helping people whether they attend our church or not.  It’s just that I didn’t realize that I would be ministering to so many people outside of my church.  That is the precisely the point.  Oftentimes, as Christians, we overlook the ministry that God is bringing our way.  Because our focus is somewhere else.  So we come to the conclusion that God isn’t using us.  But He is.  It’s just not in the ways that we were expecting.

A great example of this is the home.  Most Christians that I know think of ministry as happening at church.  Or at work.  Or in the community.  Certainly not in their home.  Yet day after day, this is where the majority of their ministry opportunities occur.  Every day they interact with a spouse.  Children.  Maybe a parent.  Or a sibling.  Yet they don’t realize the potential for ministry.  So they don’t do a very good job of it.  Or they downplay it.  Because it’s not ‘real’ ministry.  Or, in some cases, they miss the opportunity to minister altogether.
So, let’s be careful that we don’t overlook the ministry that God is bringing our way.  Ministry that is right where we live.  Ministry that looks different from our preconceived ideas.  Ministry that has the potential to be significant.  And life-changing.

Lord, I must confess that ministry looks different than I thought it would.  You bring people to me that I wasn’t focusing on.  Or that I wasn’t paying attention to.  Or whom I didn’t consider to be my responsibility.  Help me to see these opportunities are all from You.  And help me to be especially aware of the opportunities that You give me to minister right in my own home.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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