It just goes to demonstrate what the Bible has been saying all along. We are sinners. Through and through. We are totally and irrevocably contaminated by sin. Even when we try to do good, if we do it from impure motives, it only adds to our sin total. Oh, and what about good deeds. (First of all, good deeds don’t erase any sins. But, for the sake of argument, let’s assume that they do.) So, do we really think that we can do 200,000 good deeds in our lifetime? Or 500,000? Or 1,000,000? Really? The answer is that we are not even close! The scales are so weighted down by our sins that all the good deeds in the world wouldn’t be enough to lift it. This is where Jesus comes in.
Since God saw that we couldn’t possibly do anything to make up for our sins but that, like the national debt, they keep on increasing exponentially, He decided to do something. The Bible says that He sent His Son, Jesus, who lived among us without sinning. He died on the cross, in our place, to pay the penalty for our sins. And He did it out of love for us. Despite the fact that we are all sinning-machines! Now all we need to do is to accept that payment. To turn from our sins. To ask God to forgive us for them. To put our faith in Jesus as our Savior. To determine that we are going to live for Him as He gives us the strength to do so.
So what's holding you back? It's not a lack of knowledge because you just read what you need to do! Is it pride? Don't want to give up some of your sins? Afraid of what other might think or say? (Think about what others will say if you wind up in Hell!) Don't want to admit that you are that bad. That you need a Savior. Well, you do so get over it. Get right with God. Today. Don't walk. Run toward His open arms! Be free from your sins. Not only will He forgive them, He has promised to never remember them. Gone! All of them! Forever! It's the best offer in town. It's the only offer in town. Take advantage of it. After all, it is a limited-time-only offer. One you really wouldn't want to miss!
Lord, once again I am distressed by just how great a sinner I am. You have every right to banish me to an eternity in Hell. I am so glad that You sent Jesus to earth to die on the cross. To die for my sins. Oh, how I thank you that not only are they forgiven but never to be remembered again! Now I am blameless before You, living in holiness. Only You could do such a miracle in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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