To continue with yesterday’s post concerning stress at the work place, if we don’t like our current job and find it too stressful, there are basically 2 solutions (other than retiring or quitting).

So if you are not happy with your present job then you may want to pray about it. Is this where God wants you? Or does He want you to take another job? If so, which one? The point is that if God is leading you to another job He will provide one for you. Of course, changing jobs can sometimes be stressful in and of itself. Which is part of the reason why I think that some people stay in jobs they don’t necessarily like. The pay is too good. The benefits are too good. And the risk is too great. So they end up continuing to be miserable - feeling that they are wasting their life. And they end up missing God’s will for their lives in the process.
Two, (and the solution that few people want to hear), is to make the best of where you are. I told you that you wouldn’t like it! “I don’t think that I can work there one more day let alone years!”, you say. That is the human part of you talking. Pardon me, but where is God in all of this? “God? What does God have to do with my job?” Hmm, let me see - everything! If I’m not mistaken God gave you that job. “No, my brother-in-law helped me get that job”, you reply. I say, “No, God gave you that job. He just happened to use your brother-in-law to get it.” See the difference?
So, if God gave you the job that you have, then He must have a purpose for you in it, right? I mean, God doesn’t do anything without a reason. So ask God to show you what His purpose is for you in your present job. The answer just might surprise you! Perhaps there is a co-worker who needs to hear the Gospel. Or that needs encouraging. Perhaps there is a boss who needs to see how a true Christian acts and lives. Maybe God is providing you with some valuable training for the future. Ever think of that? That’s what God did in my life. Remember all those jobs that I had earlier in my life? God was involved in each one of them. He not only helped me to influence people for Him, He helped me gain some valuable skills and experience that He knew I would need for the ministry.
Of course, it goes without saying that having a good attitude is very important to reducing stress in our jobs. And finding fulfillment in them. The fact is that 2 people can be working side-by-side in the same job and one be happy while the other is miserable. What’s the difference? Attitude! And who can help us with our attitude? Oh yeah, God again! He just keeps showing up all over the place, doesn’t He?
So, if God gave you the job that you have, then He must have a purpose for you in it, right? I mean, God doesn’t do anything without a reason. So ask God to show you what His purpose is for you in your present job. The answer just might surprise you! Perhaps there is a co-worker who needs to hear the Gospel. Or that needs encouraging. Perhaps there is a boss who needs to see how a true Christian acts and lives. Maybe God is providing you with some valuable training for the future. Ever think of that? That’s what God did in my life. Remember all those jobs that I had earlier in my life? God was involved in each one of them. He not only helped me to influence people for Him, He helped me gain some valuable skills and experience that He knew I would need for the ministry.
Of course, it goes without saying that having a good attitude is very important to reducing stress in our jobs. And finding fulfillment in them. The fact is that 2 people can be working side-by-side in the same job and one be happy while the other is miserable. What’s the difference? Attitude! And who can help us with our attitude? Oh yeah, God again! He just keeps showing up all over the place, doesn’t He?
So if your job is stressful, take a few moments and think about it. Is God trying to tell you something? Is a job-change or a career-change in order? Or is He refining your character - helping you to learn such things as patience, trust, and self-control? And just exactly what is God’s purpose in your present job? What is His plan for you? Considering aspects such as these help us to partner with God instead of working against Him - by complaining and just blindly reacting. Stay or go, God wants you to enjoy your work. And to be a witness for Him!
Lord, I thank you for the job I now have - being a pastor to Your people. It was a long time coming! Thank you for the way that You prepared me through all those other jobs. Help me to deal with the stress of ministry with Your strength and wisdom. And to do my work for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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