First of all, let me state for the record that Jesus is not just supposed to be our ‘hobby’. Something (Someone) we pursue in our ‘spare’ time. He is supposed to be our life. By this it is meant that Jesus is supposed to be a part of our work. Our home life. Our relationships. Our hobbies. He is to impact the way that we think, talk, act and live. As Savior and Lord, Jesus has a say in every aspect of our lives. Secondly, anything that comes before Jesus (hobbies included) is an idol. I think we would all agree that is not very good.
Having said that, why can’t Jesus be our hobby? I mean, why can’t we spend a good portion of our spare time on stuff related to Him? Reading the Bible? Or praying? Teaching a Sunday School class? Or helping with the children’s ministry? Serving others? Why can’t we spend money on Christian books, DVD’s, seminars or training that will help us grow in our relationship with Jesus?
Better yet, what about taking some time off of work for Jesus? To attend that special event, seminar or retreat? We do it for our other hobbies. We take time off or rearrange our schedules for them. Why not for Jesus? I remember years ago when I was working at a paper mill that our church was having a special speaker on a weeknight. Unfortunately I was scheduled to work that night. I desperately wanted to hear this speaker. So I took the night off from work. I didn’t lie. I didn’t say that I was sick. I simply told them that I wasn’t coming in. That was one of 4 days that I have missed (2 others I was sick, 1 I went hunting) in 40 years! Of course, taking that day off meant that I lost 8 hours of pay. But that was small in comparison with the spiritual nourishment that I received.
Better yet, what about taking some time off of work for Jesus? To attend that special event, seminar or retreat? We do it for our other hobbies. We take time off or rearrange our schedules for them. Why not for Jesus? I remember years ago when I was working at a paper mill that our church was having a special speaker on a weeknight. Unfortunately I was scheduled to work that night. I desperately wanted to hear this speaker. So I took the night off from work. I didn’t lie. I didn’t say that I was sick. I simply told them that I wasn’t coming in. That was one of 4 days that I have missed (2 others I was sick, 1 I went hunting) in 40 years! Of course, taking that day off meant that I lost 8 hours of pay. But that was small in comparison with the spiritual nourishment that I received.
Another example of this was the couple who went on the short-term missions trip I was on to the Copper Canyon in Mexico in October 2006. The missions trip was 2 weeks long. In order to go, this couple used up their 2 weeks of vacation. For the entire year. What this basically meant was that they had no vacation for 2 years. You could say that Jesus was their hobby.
Most of the time, Christians do the exact opposite! How many people miss church so that they can pursue their hobby is anyone’s guess. As a pastor I hear it all the time. People tell me that they won’t be in church Sunday because NASCAR’s on TV. Or their favorite NFL team is playing. Or they are planning a hike in the park. Or a day on the lake. Or there’s a bridal show. Or a gun show. Or a clown show. (Just kidding!) The point is that a lot of Christians take time away from Jesus so that they can pursue their hobby. So what am I to assume about the place that Jesus occupies in their life?
Finally, what about showing some passion for Jesus? I’ve heard it 1000 times before. “I can’t wait until this weekend! We are going (fill in the blank...) Hiking. Fishing. Camping. Taking that big trip. Playing in a softball tournament. Taking in the car show, etc.” I can tell that they are very excited. I just wish that they were that excited about Jesus. What would it be like if all week long we couldn’t wait for Sunday? If we woke up early Sunday morning excited to go to church? If we ran around the house getting ourselves and our children ready so that we could worship Jesus? If nothing stood in the way of attending our small group? If we couldn’t wait to attend the work day at church? If we couldn’t wait to read our Bibles? Or pray? Or minister to others? Wow. Would that be neat or what? Imagine how that might transform our lives? Our churches? Our world?
Let's ponder that for a while. Some final thoughts on tomorrow's post.
Let's ponder that for a while. Some final thoughts on tomorrow's post.
Lord, part of being made in Your image is that You have created each of us with different likes, passions and abilities. And part of this is demonstrated by our hobbies. While having hobbies and pursuing them are not wrong, help me never to put them before Jesus. In His name, Amen.
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