Depending upon the minerals inside, a geode can be blue, purple, pink, white, or any combination of colors. Not only are the colors rich and vibrant, most geodes contains crystals. These range anywhere from hundreds of small ones to several large quartz ones. I actually happen to have a geode in my office. Many years ago, after we first moved to Kalispell, my son Luke purchased one for me. It had been cut in half and is highly polished. This particular geode is unique in that the inside is not hollow. Instead it is entirely filled with mineral. Apparently geodes are relatively plentiful in the Copper Canyon region of Mexico. I didn’t know it at the time or I would have been on the lookout for a couple when I was down there several years ago.
In many ways geodes are a good picture of Christians. On the exterior we may not always be very attractive. It could be that we never really had good looks to begin with. Or it may be that an accident or illness robbed us of some of our looks. Or, if we live long enough, age seems to take away whatever looks we had. But this is where the good news comes in. Just like a geode, our beauty is on the inside! The fact is that every believer has the Holy Spirit inside of them. He took up residence there the moment that we put our faith in Jesus. One thing to remember about the Holy Spirit is that He is God. And wherever God is, there is glory. It is an indispensable part of His nature. What is that glory like? From Scripture we see that it is bright, penetrating, awe-inspiring. So deep inside each of our souls is the glory of God. We can’t always see it, but it’s there. Once in a while we see a little glimmer of it in others.
In Romans 8:18, the Apostle Paul wrote the following - “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Do you understand what Paul is saying here? That someday, God’s own glory that He has placed inside of us, is going to be revealed. In other words, everyone will be able to see the glory of God shining from us. Everybody! This glory will be revealed either at death or when Jesus returns. Whichever comes first. If we were to see that glory in each other right now I have no doubt that we would be tempted to bow down and worship each other. God’s glory is that spectacular!
So the next time you see a geode I hope you remember the connection. We, and other Christians, might not exactly look like much on the outside right now. But we have God’s glory inside of us. The only reason we can’t see it is that our flesh is doing a pretty good job of hiding it. But it’s there. Waiting for the right time to be revealed. Now if that doesn’t get us excited, I don’t know what will! And when we see and talk to other believers, we should keep in mind that someday, we are going to see the glory of God that is now hidden in them. Wow. What a great thought that is. And what a wonderful thing to look forward to!
Lord, I thank you for Your glory that is in my life right now. I may not be able to see it but it’s there just the same. Someday Your glory in me is going to be revealed. Revealed so that I can see it. And others can see it. What a fantastic day that will be. And I will radiate Your glory for all eternity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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