I was thinking about the world’s first lie. It is found in Genesis 2. As we know, it came from Satan. The father of lies. The lie is found in verse 1. “Has God said....?” Clearly Satan already knew what God had said. And so did Adam & Eve. So I am left wondering why Satan asked the question in the first place? The answer is to create doubt. Doubt about what God had said concerning the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. That Adam & Eve could eat of any other tree in the Garden except this one. That the moment they ate the fruit they would die. But the real lie, in my estimation, goes much deeper than the Tree. And it is very sinister. The lie was that God didn’t love Adam & Eve.
You say, where do you come up with that one? Think about it for a moment. Satan went on to imply that God was ‘holding out’ on Adam & Eve. That if they ate the fruit from the Tree that they would be just like Him. Knowing good from evil. In other words, Satan was implying God didn’t have their best interests at heart. He was holding them back. Placing limits on their growth and development. He wanted to keep them as creatures. And not let them take the step into becoming God themselves. Now stop and think about that. Does that sound like love? Of course not! What Satan was ultimately doing was planting seeds of doubt in Adam & Eve’s mind that God loved them.
But before we run with that, there was a second lie that Satan told that day. That lie was that Adam & Eve could disobey God (or sin) and not suffer any consequences. God had said that if they ate from the fruit of the Tree that they would die. Satan said that they wouldn’t. Who to believe? Unfortunately, Adam & Eve chose to believe Satan. And they found out the hard way that, yes, they did end up knowing good from evil. But that wasn’t a good thing. And, no, they didn’t become like God. They were still just creatures. Only fallen, sinful, creatures. Who were now in need of redemption. And, yes, they did die. Died spiritually. Immediately. And eventually died physically as well. So let’s take these 2 lies and see what they mean for us.
My view is that one of the biggest lies that people struggle with today is that God doesn't loves them. ‘Really?’ you say. ‘I think a lot of people believe that God loves them’. I beg to differ. For many people the fact that God loves them is simply theory, not reality. And theory just won’t cut it. Because theory isn’t real. It’s theory. What might or possibly could be. Look at the sad state of our world. Why are so many people throwing themselves headlong into sin - be it substance abuse, immoral relationships, the pursuit of money and fame, and so many other fruitless activities? Because ultimately they are searching for love. Why? Because with love comes acceptance. Significance. Fulfillment. We are created to love and to be loved. And until we come to that place we will continue searching and searching. Even to the point of destroying ourselves. And others around us. More on this thought tomorrow.
Lord, I confess that many times I believe the lie of Satan. Deep down I really don’t believe that You love me. I am unlovable. Unworthy of anyone truly loving me. Especially You. Help me to believe the truth. The truth from Your Word. That You have loved me. Do love me. And will always love me. May this truth set me free. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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