In his book, A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens tells the story of a notorious miser named Ebenezer Scrooge. Scrooge has almost every dollar he’s ever earned because he seldom spends any of it. This stinginess is seen in the treatment of his lone employee, Bob Cratchit. After years of faithful and loyal service, Cratchit barely makes enough to live on. Cratchit has several children, the youngest of whom, Tiny Tim, is an invalid.

I wonder what it was like to be the parents of Jesus? What was it like to hold God in their arms that 1st Christmas morning and see Him smile? As Jesus grew what was it like to be hugged by God? To see the love in His eyes? To feel His kiss on their lips and forehead? To hear Him say with excitement and tenderness, ‘I love you’? I don’t know. But it must have been special indeed. A unique relationship that only Joseph and Mary were to have with God.
The Scriptures tell us that the very reason that Jesus came to earth that 1st Christmas was so that humankind could have a relationship with God. Instead of being enemies, Jesus’ death on the cross would pave the way for friendship between Creator and creature. Between God and humankind.
As we anticipate celebrating Christmas this year I trust that you have a relationship with God. No doubt many of you do. This is what makes Christmas so special for us. The fact that God loved us enough to send the very best gift He possibly could - the gift of Himself. If you don’t have a relationship with God, or if you’ve wandered far from Him, you can have that relationship. All it takes is repentance. A willingness to turn from your sin and selfishness and to put your faith in Jesus as your Savior. A determination to live for God from now on.
This Christmas season the baby of Bethlehem has the power to change your life. And your eternal destiny. What will your response be?
Lord, I thank you for the change that You've made in my life through Your Son, Jesus Christ. May I continue to become more like Him every day. And may I be a light that draws others to Him as well. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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