The fact is that family is very important to most people. Especially this time of year. In the next 10 days or so, millions of Americans will be traveling home to be with their family. Several people that I know of in our church will be traveling to places such as Seattle, Florida and Denver to be with theirs. In our family, we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our son, Luke, who will get home on the 19th from Arizona. Just to spend Christmas with us. We are most fortunate in that our entire family will be together for the holiday. Family is important because it contains the most significant people in our lives. Parents, siblings, aunts & uncles, children & grandchildren, nephews & nieces. These are people who know us. Love us. Care for us. Encourage us. Support us. And we feel the same way about them. There is this deep bond that exists between us. As the Sisters Sledge song from 1979 says, “We Are Family”.
As Christians, we are doubly-blessed with family. Because in addition to our physical family we have our spiritual family. People we worship with, fellowship with, serve with, pray with and share life with. On Sunday at our Open House I was talking to a couple who recently started attending our church. One of the things that they said that they like about our church is that it feels like ‘family’. This is the what I like about our church as well. The people whom I minister to week-in and week-out are my family. They are people who know me, love me, care for me, encourage me, support me. And we are traveling through life, worshiping and serving God together. Does it get any better than this?
I hope that in the next week or so that you will give thanks to God for your family. Your physical family. And your spiritual family. Both are important. Both contain people who love you for who you are. They are happy for you when you succeed and concerned about you when you struggle. They care about your dreams, your struggles, the everyday issues that you deal with. When you get the chance, don't forget to thank them as well. Thank them for being such an important part of your life. And do your best to love and appreciate them. To continue to make them a priority in your life.
Lord, I don’t have to look very far to see families that are dysfunctional. Families that have been torn apart by greed, addiction, selfishness and a host of other issues. I pray that during this Christmas Season that You would bring the light and hope of Jesus to their lives. I thank you for my physical family and my spiritual family. For the incredible and special people that You have placed in my life. They are precious gifts from You to me. May I continue to love, cherish, and stay connected to them. In so doing may I experience the blessing of Christmas. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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