Ditto. A pretty unusual word, if you ask me. Basically it means ‘the same’. In writing, there is such a thing as ‘ditto marks’. These are primarily used when there is a list that contains some of the same elements. Such as in a recipe:
1 cup flour
1 “ sugar
1 “ water
Here, rather than writing the word ‘cup’ each time, ditto marks refer to the same term above it. In conversation, ditto has become the new urban slang of the younger generation for ‘I agree’ or ‘me, too’. It can also be used when a person feels that they can’t improve on what has been said or written. If it expresses their sentiments exactly.

One of the founding principles of our country is the value of individuals. And thus the promotion of individuality. People are different and they are free to express those differences in terms of speech, dress, careers, personal preference, etc. It is this individuality which has made our country what it is today. It has served to spark some of the greatest inventions of humankind. It has also led to unique ideas, concepts and ways of doing things. Thinking ‘outside the box’. The promotion of ‘what if?’.
Ditto runs against all of this. At its very lowest level, ditto is synonymous with laziness. With unconcern. Of being disengaged. It is a distinct lack of effort which is OK with the status quo. On a societal level ditto means that a person is content to go along with what everyone else says or does. As if they don’t have a mind. Or a will of their own. Why try to reinvent the wheel? Why think when you can just go along with someone else? On a spiritual level, ditto can be dangerous in that it goes along with the world. Why take all the time and effort to wrestle with Scripture and come up with your own Bible-based worldview when the world has a ready-made, pre-packaged one for you?
The fact is that ditto isn’t Scriptural. Not in the least. God didn’t come up with one plant, or one animal, and decide to clone it. God doesn’t do cookie-cutter. He doesn’t do ditto. Look at all of the various plants, animals and insects that He created. Vastly different in color, shape, size, instinct, etc. He took the same approach with humankind. He made each one of us with unique looks, talents, gifts and personalities. And each person has a unique, personalized plan, designed by God, for their lives. As such, God does not expect us to simply follow the crowd. To mindlessly go along with the world. To have other people do our thinking for us. Instead, He expects us to use our minds, our intellect, our individual-ness, to accomplish His will for this world. Yes, this can involve a lot of work and effort at time. But it yields dividends that far outweigh the effort.
Don’t settle for average in life. For the ordinary. For the status quo. Don’t settle for having other people think for you. Of pre-chewing your thoughts. Resist ditto! Rise up and be all that God created you to be! Put in the necessary prayer and Bible study into becoming a mature believer. One who knows the mind and heart of God. A person through whom God can accomplish great things. Things that will have an eternal impact!
Lord, rescue me from ditto. From sameness. From laziness. From being willing to do nothing more than mindlessly follow the crowd. Give me zeal. Give me passion. Passion to follow You completely. To use all of the gifts and talents You have given me. To reach my full potential. And in so doing, to bring out Your purposes in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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