I wonder. Is nothing positive? Or negative? Or is it simply nothing? I think it probably depends upon the usage. Most of the time nothing is negative. For example, there are people who claim that they know nothing. (Maybe they’re right!) And there are those who say that they are up to nothing. (Think children here.) Some people, when asked what is wrong, reply nothing. (Boy, is this one common in relationships!) Then there are those people who have nothing in common. (Not the basis for a friendship, that’s for sure.) And what can be said about those individuals whom others say will amount to nothing? (That really says something, doesn’t it?)
But nothing can also be positive. Very positive. Especially in the spiritual realm. Some years ago I ran across the following prayer. “Lord, help me to live my life with nothing to promote, nothing to hide, nothing to defend, no one to impress.” I like this. It speaks of the value of an empty life. Of the value of nothingness. Let me break this down a bit.
When I have nothing to promote, it means that I don’t have an agenda. I don’t have ulterior motives. My motivation is pure. I am sincere. Others don’t have to worry about being used by me.
When I have nothing to hide, I don’t live in fear. I don’t have to worry about something from my past coming out. Of letting the cat out of the bag. I can let others get close to me. To know me.
When I have nothing to defend, I am not be threatened by others. I am not argumentive. Or combative. I don’t have all these hills to die on. People feel at ease around me
When I have no one to impress, I am free of what others may think about me. Of their opinions. Their judgments. I am free. Free to be me.
Of course, any examination of nothingness would be incomplete without looking at Jesus. One of my favorite passages in the entire Bible is Philippians 2:5-11. It ranks right up there as some of the most profound words found in all of Scripture. Verses 5 through 7 read, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing...” Wow. Did you get that? The almighty, glorious, incomparable Son of God, made Himself nothing. Nothing. Let that one sink in for a while. Then I look at myself. And my efforts to be something. Clearly the path to God and the path to spiritual vitality and life lies in nothingness. Not nothingness in itself like Eastern religions promote. But nothingness that leads to pure abandonment of oneself to God.
So, you ask me what do I want to be in life? Nothing. What do I want to accomplish in life? Nothing. What do I want from God? Nothing. I just want to be nothing. So that He can become everything!
Lord, help me to lead a blissful life of nothingness. To empty myself of myself. To not worry about having to promote anything. Or hide anything. Or defend anything. Or impress anyone. Help me to live for You. I ask for nothing else. In Jesus’ name, Amen
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