Children. Most people love them. Others tolerate them. A few despise them. Fortunately, most people are in the former category. I think one of the reasons why so many people like children is their ability to love. When a child hugs and kisses someone, whether it is an animal or another person, it is from the bottom of their heart. It is a deep, powerful, selfless love that stirs up powerful emotions within us.
Another attribute of children that adults love is their innocence. While practically every child has his or her rebellious and selfish side, they are also pure in terms of motivation. They haven’t yet developed ulterior motives. What you see is what you get. And that is that. This is very refreshing in a world that is full of deception. In a world where people often wears masks and disguise their true intentions. Then there is the boundless energy that children have. Which adult hasn’t seriously considered trying to get an infusion of that? There is also a child’s enthusiasm. And their love of life. And their charm. In short, there is an awful lot of upside to children. That’s why we love them so much.
A little over a week ago I was privileged to go with the Transformation Kids from our church to a couple local retirement centers. Both were only a block from the church and within easy walking distance. Except I had my 2-year-old grandson with me. At that age, he takes small steps. That means we were slow in arriving. To both places.
When all the children arrived we went to a common area where about 10 senior adults were already gathered. They were waiting with great anticipation. They wouldn’t have missed this for the world. As the children filed in, the faces on all of the seniors told the story. Happiness. Laughter. Beaming eyes. Bright smiles. Pointing. Approving nods. I think the children felt the energy, too. Because they sang their little hearts out. Not at first. I think they were a little nervous. But as the singing progressed they sang louder. And with more feeling. After they were done they were given a nice ovation. And hugs. And handshakes. Or a simple pat on the head. Chances are that these senior adults hadn’t seen that many children together at one time since last Christmas. They love children. And they were probably reminded of their own grand or great grandchildren. Children they might not get to see very often. If at all. But on this night, these children belonged to everyone.
It is amazing to stop and consider the power of a child. Most children can charm the socks off of someone with ease. They can melt a heart with a beaming smile or the trace of a tear. They also have this uncanny ability to work their way into even the hardest of hearts. And they do it so naturally. Seemingly without effort. Just in being who they are.
I imagine that Jesus displayed some of these same qualities as a baby and a child. The moment that mom & dad set eyes on Him, they instantly loved Him. And that love only grew as He grew. There was this innocence about Him. This sense of purity. Of being completely transparent. He was so loving. And so kind. And so gentle. Not only was He a child, He was a special child. A very special child.
There are no doubt a lot of reasons why Jesus was born as a baby instead of instantly appearing on the scene as an adult. One of those reasons has to be the power of a child. The infant Jesus deeply touched the hearts of His parents. And those of the shepherds. And the child Jesus must have done the same to the Wisemen who visited some time later. Seeing God in such a pure, innocent, vulnerable form must have made a deep impression. An impression that stayed with each of them for the rest of their lives.
Lord, I thank you for the power of a child. The power to enrich and touch our lives like few other things can. The power to teach us about Your innocence, purity and capacity to love unconditionally. May others see those same qualities in me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Another attribute of children that adults love is their innocence. While practically every child has his or her rebellious and selfish side, they are also pure in terms of motivation. They haven’t yet developed ulterior motives. What you see is what you get. And that is that. This is very refreshing in a world that is full of deception. In a world where people often wears masks and disguise their true intentions. Then there is the boundless energy that children have. Which adult hasn’t seriously considered trying to get an infusion of that? There is also a child’s enthusiasm. And their love of life. And their charm. In short, there is an awful lot of upside to children. That’s why we love them so much.

When all the children arrived we went to a common area where about 10 senior adults were already gathered. They were waiting with great anticipation. They wouldn’t have missed this for the world. As the children filed in, the faces on all of the seniors told the story. Happiness. Laughter. Beaming eyes. Bright smiles. Pointing. Approving nods. I think the children felt the energy, too. Because they sang their little hearts out. Not at first. I think they were a little nervous. But as the singing progressed they sang louder. And with more feeling. After they were done they were given a nice ovation. And hugs. And handshakes. Or a simple pat on the head. Chances are that these senior adults hadn’t seen that many children together at one time since last Christmas. They love children. And they were probably reminded of their own grand or great grandchildren. Children they might not get to see very often. If at all. But on this night, these children belonged to everyone.
It is amazing to stop and consider the power of a child. Most children can charm the socks off of someone with ease. They can melt a heart with a beaming smile or the trace of a tear. They also have this uncanny ability to work their way into even the hardest of hearts. And they do it so naturally. Seemingly without effort. Just in being who they are.
I imagine that Jesus displayed some of these same qualities as a baby and a child. The moment that mom & dad set eyes on Him, they instantly loved Him. And that love only grew as He grew. There was this innocence about Him. This sense of purity. Of being completely transparent. He was so loving. And so kind. And so gentle. Not only was He a child, He was a special child. A very special child.
There are no doubt a lot of reasons why Jesus was born as a baby instead of instantly appearing on the scene as an adult. One of those reasons has to be the power of a child. The infant Jesus deeply touched the hearts of His parents. And those of the shepherds. And the child Jesus must have done the same to the Wisemen who visited some time later. Seeing God in such a pure, innocent, vulnerable form must have made a deep impression. An impression that stayed with each of them for the rest of their lives.
Lord, I thank you for the power of a child. The power to enrich and touch our lives like few other things can. The power to teach us about Your innocence, purity and capacity to love unconditionally. May others see those same qualities in me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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