Front. In normal usage it means the face of an object. In meteorology it refers to the boundary of two weather systems. In war it refers to the area where the fighting is going on. It is where the action is happening. The bullets are flying. The bombs are dropping. The soldiers are attacking and defending. Depending upon the situation, the front of a small skirmish can be a hundred yards long. In a world war, a front can be hundreds of miles long.

As Christians, we are at war. Everyday we are in engaged in spiritual warfare. Unfortunately, our battle isn’t just on one front. Or even two. We are at battle on three fronts! It isn’t fair but it is what it is. Our enemies are, the world, the flesh, and Satan. The world is the godless culture that we live in. That culture that tells us to look out for #1. To live for ourselves. As opposed to God. The flesh is our fallen, sinful nature. Even though it has been defeated by Jesus, it is still alive within us. Constantly nipping at our heels, hoping to trip us up. Then there is Satan. The archenemy of God. That Being who is diametrically opposed to God and everything that is connected to God.
Now, fighting on one of these fronts is difficult enough. But fighting on three fronts? How do you say the word impossible! But here is where we would be wrong. Because with God, nothing is impossible! First of all, God has given us His Holy Spirit to live inside us. The Spirit warns us of impending attack. He also gives us the power to fight our battles, and to fight them effectively. Secondly, God has given us spiritual armor (Ephesians 6) with which to protect ourselves from the enemy. Such things as truth. Righteousness. God’s Word.
So even though we are daily waging war on three fronts, we don’t have to panic. Or be afraid. Or discouraged. All we need to do is to trust in the Lord. He has already won the war. All we are doing is just mopping up. But we still need to pay attention. After all, a battle is going on. We need to be alert. We need to be engaged. We need to fight in Jesus’ power and might. The end result is assured. The battle belongs to the Lord!
Lord, daily I find myself in a battle on three fronts. Each one of these enemies is seeking to destroy me. Or to at least put me out of commission. I confess that I don’t have the strength, wisdom or stamina to meet the challenge. But You do. So daily help me to rely upon You, and the resources at my disposal, to fight the fight. And to fight it well. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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