Jesus. As we read about Him in the Gospels He seems like a pretty neat guy. The kind of guy we admire. Good. Kind. Thoughtful. Helping others. Brave. His own man. Of course, we understand from Scripture that we are not just to admire Jesus but to become like Him. That is our goal in this life. To become like Jesus. So we pray for this. I know that I do. And no doubt you do, too. On many occasions. And that’s a good thing. The question is, ‘Do we really understand what we are praying for?’ Better yet, how it might be answered? I don’t think so.
In Matthew 20 we have Salome, along with her sons, James & John, coming to Jesus. Salome, looking out for her boys, has a request of Jesus. That her 2 sons will sit at His right and left when He establishes His kingdom. Say what you want about her request, one thing is certain and Jesus stated this. She really didn’t know what she was asking. Because she didn’t understand the kind of King Jesus would be. Nor the kind of kingdom He would be establishing. Nor the kind of sacrifice that would be required to obtain these positions of honor. I often think about Salome’s request when I think of our prayers to become like Jesus. Let me explain.
You see, when we pray to become more like Jesus we often have an incomplete understanding of who Jesus really was. And what it takes to become like Him. Like you, when I pray to become more like Jesus, what I am basically asking God to do is to help me become more kind. Loving. Gentle. Good. Thoughtful. Great characteristics, for sure. Unfortunately, this is only a portion of what it means to become like Jesus. It is the naive view. The view that thinks that Jesus had it relatively easy on earth. Really? When we think like this do we have any kind of idea of who Jesus was? The reality is that if we want to be like Jesus then we need to have some of the same experiences that Jesus had. And not all of those experiences were good. Or pleasant. On the contrary. Many of the experiences that Jesus went through we naturally shrink back from. So what were some of these experiences that made Jesus who He was?
In Matthew 20 we have Salome, along with her sons, James & John, coming to Jesus. Salome, looking out for her boys, has a request of Jesus. That her 2 sons will sit at His right and left when He establishes His kingdom. Say what you want about her request, one thing is certain and Jesus stated this. She really didn’t know what she was asking. Because she didn’t understand the kind of King Jesus would be. Nor the kind of kingdom He would be establishing. Nor the kind of sacrifice that would be required to obtain these positions of honor. I often think about Salome’s request when I think of our prayers to become like Jesus. Let me explain.
You see, when we pray to become more like Jesus we often have an incomplete understanding of who Jesus really was. And what it takes to become like Him. Like you, when I pray to become more like Jesus, what I am basically asking God to do is to help me become more kind. Loving. Gentle. Good. Thoughtful. Great characteristics, for sure. Unfortunately, this is only a portion of what it means to become like Jesus. It is the naive view. The view that thinks that Jesus had it relatively easy on earth. Really? When we think like this do we have any kind of idea of who Jesus was? The reality is that if we want to be like Jesus then we need to have some of the same experiences that Jesus had. And not all of those experiences were good. Or pleasant. On the contrary. Many of the experiences that Jesus went through we naturally shrink back from. So what were some of these experiences that made Jesus who He was?

Then we see that Jesus was also betrayed. By Judas. One of His disciples. Someone who, at that point, was probably closer to Jesus than His own family. Someone whom He had poured 3+ years of His life into. Someone who was a part of His team. Someone whom He should have been able to trust. Oops!
Jesus also experienced denial. By Peter. Another disciple. What is it with these disciples? How much pain Peter’s denial brought Jesus we can’t even begin to imagine. Denying 3 times that He never even knew Jesus! Wow. That one really hurt. And this from one of Jesus’ closest earthly friends.
Jesus also experienced denial. By Peter. Another disciple. What is it with these disciples? How much pain Peter’s denial brought Jesus we can’t even begin to imagine. Denying 3 times that He never even knew Jesus! Wow. That one really hurt. And this from one of Jesus’ closest earthly friends.
I will continue with more of this thought on tomorrow's post. In the meantime reflect on what you've already read.
Lord, I confess that when I pray to become like Jesus that I really don't know what I am praying. Not in the least! O Lord, give me an accurate picture of what this prayer really involves. So that I can pray it with a sincere heart. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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