One of the reasons why so much importance is attached to electing a President is because, in many people’s eyes, he is seen as ‘The Man With All The Answers’. Or at least most of them. We expect that whomever we elect as President will make the economy strong. And create jobs. Keep inflation in check. Decrease the national debt. Clean up the environment. Be tough on crime. Protect our individual rights. Maintain a strong military. Decrease our dependence upon foreign oil. Be a strong force for democracy and freedom around the world. Certainly a tall order. Realistically, an order that no one man can fulfill. The harsh reality is that there are no easy answers to our country’s problems. Our country is so complex these days that no matter what decisions the President makes, while it helps one area, it adversely affects another area. Despite this fact, it won’t stop candidates, and their respective political party, from claiming that they have the answers our country desperately needs. And millions of Americans will go to the polls later this year believing this to be true.
Unfortunately, the book of Revelation tells us that one day our entire world is going to be in much worse condition than it is currently. It is going to be on the brink of disaster. Until one man steps forward. The Antichrist. He is going to be seen as ‘The Man With All The Answers’. He is going to promise to bring stability, and prosperity, and peace to the world. And billions of people are going to believe him. And he will have a few solutions. In the short-term. But in the end, he is going to seek to rule the entire world. Just exactly what humankind has been itching to do ever since Adam & Eve sinned in the Garden. Unfortunately for the world, the Antichrist is not going to solve the world’s problems. In fact, long-term, he is only going to make them worse.
Fortunately, there is coming a man somewhere in the future who does have all the answers. He won’t be elected by the popular vote of the people. Nor will he be installed to a position of leadership by the military. This ‘Man With All The Answers’ is none other than Jesus! And when He returns to earth He will set up His own kingdom. A kingdom that will rule the world. A kingdom that is in place by the will and power of God. A kingdom of righteousness and peace. A kingdom that will solve all of the problems of humankind. And bring prosperity unlike the world has ever known.
So while we should exercise our freedom to vote let us remember than no one but Jesus has the answers to what ails our country. And our world. And no one else has the power to implement the solutions required. To change laws. To enforce them. To bring peace to the entire planet. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
Lord, almost every day someone is professing to have the answers to our world's problems. That if we will only put them in charge they will make the world a better place. Help me to remember that only Jesus has the answers. Only He can make our world into the place it was created to be. A place that reflects the majesty and glory of God. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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