“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Chinese proverb
In October 2006 I went with Roy from my church to the Copper Canyon of Mexico. I had never been to Mexico before so that, in itself, was quite the experience. Talk about culture shock. Different language. Different people. Difference culture. Different food. It was quite a bit to take in all at once. After a long trip from Ciudad Juarez, we finally arrived at the rim of the canyon. The only way to the village of Guaycavo, our destination, was to hike in. Since it was a very remote, primitive area we needed to pack in everything that we needed. For 9 days. Sleeping bag. Pillow. Clothes. Personal hygiene products. This made for about a 50 lb. backpack. At that stage in my life I had never carried that much weight before. Weighing only 160 lbs. myself, this meant that I was carrying about 1/3 of my body weight. And, even though I was in good shape, I was in my 50's. With a minimal amount of hiking experience.
At first the hike wasn’t too bad. Mostly on a flat, slightly descending trail. Then we started actually descending down into the canyon. Down this trail. Actually trail is being too kind. It was more like a path for a mountain goat. Very narrow. Rough. As I kept walking I got weaker and weaker. Of course, when you go somewhere for the first time you have no idea how long it will take, or what the challenges are. So the journey seems endless. The lower we got, the hotter it got. I started sweating pretty good. About 2/3rds down the trail, I hit the wall. You know, that point where you are completely exhausted. I couldn’t move. This caused me to panic. I still had 4 more miles to go. Another mile down the canyon. Cross the river in a small carriage on some wires and pulleys. Then climb another 3 miles up the other side of the canyon. What was I going to do? I was never going to make it. I wondered if anyone back home was praying for me. I certainly hoped so. I had visions of being left behind. Of spending the night there. All by myself. Talk about fear. I was in a desperate situation. Of course, I prayed. Hard. I was sure hoping that God knew where I was! On a path in a canyon in the heart of Mexico. I also told God that if He got me safely back home that I would NEVER attempt something this like this again! Somehow, by God’s grace, I made it another couple hundred yards. Then I walked a little more. Then I crossed the river. And walked up the other side of the canyon. How glad (and exhausted!) I was to reach our destination. Just an hour or so before it got dark. Praise Jesus! There was a time when I really didn’t think I’d make it.
All of us have times in life like that. Tough times that we just want to get through. If we can. It could be a bad marriage. It could be a health issue. Or financial problems. Problems with our children. Or problems at work. Whatever it is, we are not enjoying the ride. All we want to do is to get through this rough stage of life as fast as we can. So we dream. We strategize. Trying to find a quicker route. We pray. Asking God to deliver us and to deliver us now! And nothing happens. Then we start to complain. We become discouraged. Depressed. We rebel. Why do we have to go through this anyway? Why can’t we just be done with it? What’s the point of it, anyway? Where’s God? Why isn’t He doing anything to help me? Recognize these statements? We all make them at times like this.

So if you find yourself in a tough situation currently, if you’re not sure how you are going to get through, or whether you will even make it, remember this: step by step. That’s all you need to know. God doesn’t give us the strength to take another step tomorrow. He gives us the strength to take another step today. And once you’ve taken that step He will give you the strength to take another one. And another one. Somewhere along the line you will find that you’ve made it. That you are through that rough stretch in your life. That God did, indeed, bring you through. Step by step.
Lord, I thank you that in the rough times in my life You have always been there. Times that were difficult. Scary. Trying. Times when I didn’t know if I was going to make it. Times when I didn’t have the strength to go on. Yet You gave me Your strength to go on. To take a step. And another step. Until You finally led me to a place of safety and rest. Thank you for Your incredible faithfulness to me! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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