"We honor our commitments, even when it is difficult, expensive, or inconvenient.” (Core Value at Thomas Nelson Publishers)
Today I had a very special privilege. Someone who is not a part of our church asked me earlier in the week if I would help them renew their vows. They just celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary the previous Sunday. The husband wanted to surprise his wife.
So mid-afternoon Beth & I arrived back at church. We’d just left there not more than 90 minutes earlier! Then the couple came in. Beth & I know them very well. I proceeded up to the front of the sanctuary with the couple where I made a few comments regarding the sacredness and specialness of marriage. Then I read I Corinthians 13:4-7. After that I led them as they renewed their vows to each other. After a short prayer I prayed a blessing over their marriage. Meanwhile Beth took several photos of the occasion so that they would have a record of it for the future.
What a great privilege it was for me, as a pastor, to be present and to assist this couple in renewing their vows. After all these years they are essentially saying, “I’d do it all over again. The promises I made all those years ago are still in effect.” Isn’t that great! Would that more people would take their vows seriously. This is something that I have been thinking about myself. It’s one of those, “Someday I’d like to....” kind of things. Because I would marry my wife again. I still want to keep the promises I made to her 36 years ago. And to God.
I guess what I take away from this experience is that it is good for us to occasionally revisit and renew our promises. Not just to our spouse. But to God. To our family. And to any other people we might have made promises to along the way. The reason why this is a good idea is that sometimes these promises fade into the background of a busy life. We make them and then we move on. And if we are not careful, they can become distant memories. Or we can forget them entirely. Forgetting one’s promises, one’s vows, one’s commitments is always a dangerous place to be. That’s why renewal and recommitment are necessary parts of our lives. We revisit the promises that we made and reaffirm them. Yes, we are going to keep them. We meant it then. We mean it now. We’ll still mean it in the future.
I would encourage you to take few minutes to think about the promises that you have made. Reflect on them. Then recommit to them. Renew them. Ask God to enable you to keep your promises. And fulfill your vows. You can do this privately or publicly. Or both. You may also want to write them out and sign them. There is something powerful about signing our name to a promise or a vow. It seems that most of us are hesitant about putting things down in writing unless we mean them. Whatever way you choose to do this, the main thing is that your heart and mind are involved. This is where commitments are made. And kept.
Lord, I thank you for the privilege today of helping a couple renew their vows. To each other. And to You. I want to do the same to You. I renew my vow to serve You to the best of my ability. To give You first place in my life. To live a life that brings glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

What a great privilege it was for me, as a pastor, to be present and to assist this couple in renewing their vows. After all these years they are essentially saying, “I’d do it all over again. The promises I made all those years ago are still in effect.” Isn’t that great! Would that more people would take their vows seriously. This is something that I have been thinking about myself. It’s one of those, “Someday I’d like to....” kind of things. Because I would marry my wife again. I still want to keep the promises I made to her 36 years ago. And to God.
I guess what I take away from this experience is that it is good for us to occasionally revisit and renew our promises. Not just to our spouse. But to God. To our family. And to any other people we might have made promises to along the way. The reason why this is a good idea is that sometimes these promises fade into the background of a busy life. We make them and then we move on. And if we are not careful, they can become distant memories. Or we can forget them entirely. Forgetting one’s promises, one’s vows, one’s commitments is always a dangerous place to be. That’s why renewal and recommitment are necessary parts of our lives. We revisit the promises that we made and reaffirm them. Yes, we are going to keep them. We meant it then. We mean it now. We’ll still mean it in the future.
I would encourage you to take few minutes to think about the promises that you have made. Reflect on them. Then recommit to them. Renew them. Ask God to enable you to keep your promises. And fulfill your vows. You can do this privately or publicly. Or both. You may also want to write them out and sign them. There is something powerful about signing our name to a promise or a vow. It seems that most of us are hesitant about putting things down in writing unless we mean them. Whatever way you choose to do this, the main thing is that your heart and mind are involved. This is where commitments are made. And kept.
Lord, I thank you for the privilege today of helping a couple renew their vows. To each other. And to You. I want to do the same to You. I renew my vow to serve You to the best of my ability. To give You first place in my life. To live a life that brings glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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