Way back in Genesis 2:18, the very first thing that God said wasn’t good in all of His creation was that Adam was alone. And this is despite the fact that Adam already had a relationship with Him! So, the way that God designed humans is for 2 kinds of relationship - one with Him and one with fellow human beings. The most intimate of these human relationships is marriage. One man and one woman coming together as one flesh. So God made Eve. Not from the dust of the earth like He had Adam. But from one of Adam’s rib. So Eve really was an extension of Adam. You can’t get any closer than that. What a wonderful picture of closeness this is.
In thinking about Beth, as I’ve said before, if there is one word that I would use to describe her it is servant. She serves so well. Much better than I do. She serves all the time. Me. The kids. The grandkids. Others. And she serves so well. And without complaining. In fact, in a very real sense, she lives to serve. No wonder why I admire her so. She is amazing!
The truth is that in a lot of marriages, a spouse gets taken for granted. That is always sad. I don’t know that I’m an especially enlightened guy. If I am it’s due to the fact that I work with people all the time and do a far amount of pre-marital counseling. So I have come to realize just how much Beth does. And how valuable she is to me and our family. I would have to say that she is the glue of our family. While I’m working, or playing with the grandkids, she’s the one who keeps in touch with everyone. She pretty much keeps her finger on the pulse of everyone’s health and welfare. She also arranges the social calendar. And she is absolutely indispensable come the holidays. This is in addition to all the other things that she does (buy groceries, prepare the meals, do the laundry, keep the house neat and clean, picks up things for the kids, etc.) on a regular basis.
At this point in time we’ve been together for so long that I can hardly remember when she wasn’t a part of my life. She has been there every step of the way. Through good times and bad. She has loved me for who I am. And put up with my drivenness. My complaining. And even my driving! She was willing to leave her aging Dad & Mom behind so that I could attend Bible College at age 35. What is really amazing about this is that she was their only daughter. And being as quiet and shy as she is, she was willing take on the role of pastor’s wife. There is no doubt in my mind that she is going to receive some fantastic rewards in Heaven as a result of her sacrifices. I wouldn’t be in ministry today if it weren’t for her.
Perhaps the best thing that I can say about Beth is that I am a better man for having married to her. God has used her to shape my life in so many good ways. I am proud of her. And extremely thankful. Many years ago God answered my prayer for a good, godly wife beyond what I expected. Or deserved.
So Happy Birthday honey. I hope you have a great day celebrating who you are. The woman God has made you to be. My prayer is that you will have many more birthdays. So that we all can continue to enjoy you. And be blessed by you.
Lord, I thank you for my wife. For the incredible, amazing woman she is. May You bless her today. Help her to know how much she means to me. Our children. Our grandchildren. And to so many others. And may she have an awareness of how much she means to You. Continue to give her strength, patience, wisdom, peace and love on a daily basis. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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