I recently ran across this post on It was very good. And inspirational. Great insights. And whatever she is teaching her kids about God - it’s working!
3 Things I Learned from My Preschooler About Faith in God - by Sara Patterson
"Faith is a tricky thing. The word, in itself, is defined as a firm belief in something for which there is no proof. It's a complete trust in something or someone even if you haven't seen them, like God. How can you love and trust a God without having, first, seen Him?
It's difficult for me to explain my faith to a stranger on the street much less my own young children. They have so many questions, so many wonders of this almighty King of Kings. I have faith in God because He first loved me, because I feel Him in my heart, because I've felt His spirit within me. I don't have to see Him to believe. The thing is, that explanation is good enough for my children, because they are filled with an innocence where believing makes them feel safe and loved. A few weeks ago, my 4-yr-old reminded me just how sweet a child like faith can be.
1. He takes you as you are: Yup. My child would go to church in pajamas if I let him. He begs me to wear wind pants on Sunday mornings and throws a wrinkled t-shirt on before Wednesday night church. I, however, fret over my hair, my make-up, my shoes, oh and the CLOTHES. While I respect the sanctity of the Church and WANT to look my best for God, it's not about that. My child reminds me that God made me the way I am. My preschooler is happy in his skin, in his clothes, and his personality. He goes to church full of questions and curiosities, and comes out full of wonder and excitement for, not his church, not his friends, but for God.
2. He protects you: The other day we had some pretty bad storms hit the Houston area. The loud thunder and lightening were horrible. My son ran to me and shouted, "Mom! Please can I lay with you and Dad? I'm scared." Holding him tightly, I whispered, "Don't worry. I got you. I'm here and I won't let go." He wrapped his little arms around my neck, closed his eyes and said, "Just like God. He holds you too Momma." Then, this sweet child drifted back to sleep... and left me in tears.
3. He is your best friend: My preschooler loves his XBOX 360. I'm not talking Kinect, I'm talking down-and-gritty-finger-moving-remote-style playing. His favorite game is a wrestling game called WWE Allstars. He fights the biggest and baddest and gets to play iconic roles like Hulk Hogan and, his favorite, The Big Show. The other day, at lunch, I had such an amazing conversation with him:
Rudy: "Mom, I can't WAIT to get to Heaven."
Me: "Why is that?"
Rudy: "Me and God are gonna play XBOX together. I'll even let Him be Big Show."
Me: "Do you think God is good at video games?"
Rudy: "Duh? He's God."
Me: "Do you think God will want to play video games with you?"
Rudy: "Mom. He's my best friend."
God is our best friend. I have to remember that when I'm embarrassed to confess my sins, admit when I'm wrong, and ask for blessings that I feel unworthy to receive. He already knows what's in my heart. He just wants me to talk to Him about it...side by side...maybe over a video game."
Isn’t this a great post! Wow! No wonder Jesus said that unless we become like children we cannot enter the kingdom of God. The simplicity and faith to see God as his friend. What a beautiful view of God. If only we could see Him in the same way.
Lord, I thank you for the simple faith of children. How I am encouraged by it. And challenged. Help me to have simple faith in You as well. That You care for me. And love me. Despite my shortcomings. Despite my failures. Despite my doubts. Help me to realize that You are my best friend. Today and always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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