As I watched them, a thought came to my mind. Throughout the course of a week I rarely, if ever, notice birds. Unless one were to attack me or to fly into my windshield, they are invisible to me. And yet they are all around. Everywhere. Chances are that if you walked to a window, or stood outdoors right now (assuming that it’s not dark), you would see all kinds of bird activity in your neighborhood as well. As I was thinking, it occurred to me that it would be nice sometime to take about a half hour, or maybe even just 15 minutes, and observe the birds. They are a part of God’s beautiful creation yet I almost never take the time to watch them. To appreciate them. To admire them. Because I’m too busy. Because I am preoccupied. With life.
So, after a few minutes of watching the birds, I began my daily Bible reading. I was in Matthew 10. Part way through the chapter Jesus mentions sparrows. Wow. Was that a coincidence or what? I would say that God was trying to get my attention. Just exactly what is He trying to tell me? I think it’s that I have worth to Him. That even though He is busy running the entire universe, that even though there are 6+ billion people on this planet, He notices me. Me! I’m not sure that my finite mind can comprehend it, but He takes the time to observe me as I go about my daily activities. He watches me going from here to there and back again. And somehow, by watching me, He appreciates me for who I am. For who He created me to be. And best of all, He cares for me. He gives me food. And rest. And a roof over my head. He also gives me strength. And peace. And guidance. And people who love me and who care about me. And so much more.
And God feels exactly the same way about you! As you go back and forth during your day, God sees you. He watches you. With love. With fascination. With wonder. He marvels at His creative genius in how He designed you. And He thinks to Himself, “I did a great job with that one!” You are of great value to God. You are a part of His personal treasure. You are of greater worth than many sparrows. What a thought!
So as you go about your day today, or tomorrow, look for the birds. They are all around you. Flying here and there. Being taken care of by their Creator. Take a few moments to observe them. To appreciate them. To admire them. Then remember this: The same Creator who made them, made you. He watches you. And takes care of you. And loves you. And delights in you. This alone ought to make your day. I know it does mine!
Lord, I thank you for the times that You speak to me. As you did this morning. In a completely unexpected and meaningful way. I am glad that You drew my attention to birds. How You love them. And take care of them. And how You love and take care of me. Thank you for the encouragement. May it bring joy and gratefulness to my day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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