As I said, Fact is the engine. An engine is what pulls the rest of the train. As a result it comes first. What are the facts of the Christian life? They are the principles found in God’s Word. Principles such as God loves us. God cares about us. God will provide for us. God wants us to worship Him. And obey Him. And to put Him first in our lives. Each of these principles, and many more like them, are backed up by dozens of promises from God’s Word. Since these principles come from God’s Word we know that they are true. Factual. Reliable.
Next comes Faith. Faith is important in that it is based upon the Facts or the principles and promises that are found in God’s Word. For example, in regard to salvation we have faith that Jesus is our Savior because of verses such as Romans 10:9 where it says, “If you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” We also have faith that God is going to take care of our needs because of Philippians 4:19 where Paul says that “My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” We put our faith in these, and hundreds of verses like them, for we know that God’s Word is true and that God keeps all of His promises.
Last is Feelings. Feelings are also important in that they are given to us by God. As such we feel joy and sorrow. Pleasure and pain. Confidence and fear. And many other feelings. Since these feelings are given to us by God they are not bad. They are part of what it means to be created in the image of God for God also has feelings. In the Bible we see that God loves and hates. He is happy and sad. And jealous. And angry. The difference between us and God is that God’s feelings are always perfect. They are holy. As a result of sin, ours are not. This is why we experience such un-Godlike feelings as fear, loneliness, despair, etc. Feelings are represented by the caboose because they come last. In other words, when we know and understand God’s principles and promises, when we put our faith in them, then feelings of peace, joy, etc, will follow.
Now I find this particular illustration helpful in that I have discovered that my feelings are not always reliable. Sometimes I feel good when I am sinning and disobeying God’s Word. Other times I feel terrible even though everything is good between me and God. The point is that when we struggle with feelings (negative ones or even a lack of them) we need to go back to the basics. What does God’s Word say? Do I believe it? If so, then the proper feelings will eventually come around. If not, then I may need to re-examine just exactly what God’s Word says about the situation. Perhaps I am taking a verse out of context? Or reading too much into it? This is when it’s good to have a spiritual friend or mentor to talk to. Or it just might be that I really don’t have as much faith as I thought that I had. I may need to strengthen my faith in this area. Whatever the case, the point is that living our lives strictly by feelings is a recipe for disaster! Fact. Faith. Feeling. When these are in the proper order our lives will be as well!
Lord, thank you for the truth that is found in Your Word. Truth that I can trust. Truth that I can build my life upon. Thank you for faith as well. Help my faith in You & Your Word to continue to grow and strengthen. Finally, thank you for feelings. Whether I’m feeling good, bad or indifferent, help me to understand their proper place in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Great illustration! I really struggle with the feelings. If disregarded or disrespected, I lose it and behave improperly. Praying for healing. Being previously mistreated has me quick to react.