Most of us are familiar with criminal investigations. While very few of us have any actual experience with them, almost all of us have read or heard stories about how they are conducted. Then there are all the TV shows that portray this process. In a nutshell, a crime such as murder is committed. This launches an investigation.
In some cases the investigation is fairly easy. And so is the prosecution. There were numerous witnesses to the crime. Or there are pictures or video of it being committed. The murder weapon has been recovered. The fingerprints match the suspect. There is plenty of proof. The case is pretty much a slam dunk. In other cases, the investigation is very different. No one saw the murder being committed. There are a handful of suspects. The murder weapon has not been recovered. A motive is unknown. Evidence is scarce and has to be collected from a number of sources. In situations such as this, trying to determine who actually committed the murder is difficult. The result is that all of the evidence needs to be taken as a whole. Only then can a jury hope to arrive at a conviction. To some degree this is the dilemma of proving God's existence.
In some cases the investigation is fairly easy. And so is the prosecution. There were numerous witnesses to the crime. Or there are pictures or video of it being committed. The murder weapon has been recovered. The fingerprints match the suspect. There is plenty of proof. The case is pretty much a slam dunk. In other cases, the investigation is very different. No one saw the murder being committed. There are a handful of suspects. The murder weapon has not been recovered. A motive is unknown. Evidence is scarce and has to be collected from a number of sources. In situations such as this, trying to determine who actually committed the murder is difficult. The result is that all of the evidence needs to be taken as a whole. Only then can a jury hope to arrive at a conviction. To some degree this is the dilemma of proving God's existence.
Is there a God? This is a question that people have wrestled with down through the ages. In Romans 1 we are told that creation is evidence of His existence. In it we see intelligent design. Order. Balance. Incredible variety. Yet a number of people believe that everything we see just evolved. Or that it was happenstance. A one-in-a-trillion occurrence. What is the problem? The problem is that for His own reasons, God has stopped short of ‘proving’ that He exists. Yes, there is a lot of evidence for His existence. But no ‘proof’. There is a big difference between the two. Proof is clear cut. Evidence has to be weighed. Examined. And a decision made based upon it. So why doesn’t God just give us ‘proof’ that He exists? That He created the universe? Because God highly values faith. In His divine wisdom God has given us a lot of evidence that points to His existence. Evidence that points to the fact that creation had a Creator. Based upon this evidence, God wants us to have faith. Faith that He exists. That He created everything that is. Faith that He loves us. And has made a way for us to enter a relationship with Him.
The reality is that there is all kinds of evidence in every single area of study (astronomy, physics, geology, chemistry, etc.) that points to the existence of God. But facts alone are not enough. To these facts must be added faith. Faith says that, based upon the evidence of what is seen, or the facts, we can trust in what is not seen. This is what we are told in Hebrews 11:1. “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

Lord, I thank you for the faith that I have in You. Not blind faith which has no basis in fact. But intelligent faith. Rational faith. Faith that is based upon what I see all around me in creation. Faith that is based upon what I read about You in the Bible. The fact is that You don’t have to prove Yourself to me. Or anyone else for that matter. Someday I will see You face-to-face. Then I will have the ultimate proof of Your existence. Until then, I believe You exist by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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