In addition, as a pastor, I also have contact with many parents and children. Children who were young when I first came to what was then Community Alliance, are now adults, married, and have children of their own! So I would say that I have a least a limited platform from which to give some parenting advice.
As I have stated several times in my posts, I am, by nature, a reductionist. In other words, I like to boil things down to what’s really important. Call me impatient but I don’t want to waste my time on things that aren’t going to make a difference. Tell me what I need to know so that I can do it. And tell me plainly. And quickly.
So if I were going to give advice to parents what would I say? Obviously, parenting is a very large field. And there are a number of good, practical, Biblical principles that will help any parent raise their children. Faced with so many principles, and the wide range of ages, how can I say that there is a #1 Principle for raising children? First of all, remember that it’s my own approach to parenting. Secondly, remember that I am a reductionist. So I am going to try to find the most important principle. That being said, here it is. My personal #1 Principle for raising children is = Prepare them for Heaven. Now before you exit this page and go on to something else, let me explain.
As parents, we naturally want what is best for our children, don’t we? So right from the start we make sure that our children’s needs are taken care of. We feed and clothe them. And we make sure they get plenty of sleep and rest. We make sure they have a roof over their heads, a bed to sleep in, and that they are protected from dangerous people and/or situations. We also help our children with their homework. We encourage them to get involved in extra-curricular activities, be it sports, band, speech, whatever. We also teach them such things as manners, honesty, being responsible, and a number of other skills and principles they will need. But let me ask you - what does the Bible say is the most important thing in life? Isn’t it knowing God? And living for Him? Yes it is. More thoughts on this in tomorrow’s post.
Lord, I thank you for the children that You have blessed Beth and me with. Children whom You loaned to us. Who were put under our care so that we would raise them in Your ways. Though we have certainly done an imperfect job we thank you that they all know You. Help them to continue to serve You. To love You deeply and passionately. To serve You all of their days. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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