Intimacy = time + depth + intentionality

Let’s take a moment and think about our relationships. Our relationship with our parents. Our spouse. Our children. Our boyfriend or girlfriend. Would we say that these relationships are intimate? If so, we are in a good place. If not, then we have some work to do.
For those of us who are married let’s take our relationship with our spouse. Marriage is the most intimate of all human relationships. At least it is supposed to be. Since they live together, a husband and wife know things about each other that nobody else does. That’s a good start. But it still doesn’t mean that they have an intimate relationship. How can we determine this? By using the above formula. How much time do I spend with my spouse? Talking? Doing things together? Having fun? How deep is our conversation? Do I know their hopes and dreams for the future? Their fears? Their insecurities? Do they know mine? Do I ever share my heart with them? Do they share their heart with me? How intentional am I about the relationship? Is it a priority? Or is it pretty far down the list? How important is our relationship to them? By asking questions such as these, we can quickly determine just how intimate our relationship is. Of course, we can use this same formula to evaluate our relationship with our parents. Our children. Grandchildren. Friends. Co-workers.
Now part of the problem with relationships is that there are two sides. So we may want to have an intimate relationship with someone but they may not. Unfortunately this is far too common in marriage. One person wants a deep, intimate relationship while their spouse is content with being a ‘roomie’ - someone who lives under the same roof but who doesn’t want to get too personal. This may be because they are afraid of intimacy. They are afraid to become vulnerable. Or they tried once and were rejected. Or maybe they don’t even know what intimacy is. Now while we can’t control our spouse’s feelings about intimacy, by using the intimacy formula, we can at least work on deepening the relationship from our side. Who knows? Maybe after a while our spouse will catch a glimpse of how great and satisfying intimacy is and will decide to cooperate with us!

Well, there you have it. My thoughts about intimacy. Again, this all came about because God has shown me that I have a lot of work to do in getting there in my own relationships. I hope that these posts have been helpful to you. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on this subject as you pursue intimacy in your relationships.
Lord, thank you for all the relationships I have in my life. Including my relationship with You. Help me not to settle for second-best in them. Help me to pursue intimacy. To develop deep, personal relationships that are mutually satisfying and fulfilling. May this be especially be true of my relationship with You. May it become more than I ever imagined it could be. Everything that You planned it to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thank you for your time and thoughts on this subject and so many others Pastor Jim!! :) May God's light keep shining through you!