Thursday, May 10, 2012

My College Graduation: 20 Years Later

Yesterday was 20 years since I graduated from Crown (St Paul Bible) College.  Wow.  Time really does fly!  I was 38 years old - soon to be 39.  Almost old enough to be the parent of many of my classmates! I remember walking across the stage with pride receiving my diploma.  A lot of time, money and effort went into that piece of paper!  A huge blessing was that my parents and all of my brothers made the trip out from New York to see me graduate.  One of my most treasured pictures is of my dad, three brothers and my two sons with me at the front of the college the morning of graduation.  My graduation was actually the fulfillment of a dream that God gave me as a child.

If you can believe this, I was called into ministry before I was actually a Christian!  It is an interesting story.  After being miraculously healed of a brain tumor (another great story) my parents upheld their end of the bargain by starting to attend church.  We were unchurched and unsaved at the time.  Unfortunately the church we started attending was a mainline denomination that didn’t preach the Gospel.  Anyway, liking to read, as well as having a love for biography and history, I took to the Bible like a duck takes to water.  In the span of 3 years I knew more about the Bible than any of the children who’d grown up in the church.  I remember that I took pieces of paper and put Bible verses on them.  Then I’d tape them all over the walls and hallway of our house. (I’m sure my parents really liked that!).  This was how I memorized Scripture.  Then I’d get my younger brothers and sisters together and we’d play church.  Of course, I was both the teacher and pastor.  I’d make tests on pieces of paper where they had to fill in the blanks.  Then I would preach to them.  I believed in a full-service church! 

Somewhere along the line I must have mentioned something to my parents about wanting to become a pastor.  While I was in 6th grade my dad took me to see the pastor.  We sat in his study and talked.  I remember that he gave me 4 or 5 books to read about Jesus and the Bible.  Of course, I read them in no time.  At home we would periodically watch Billy Graham Crusades on our old black-and-white TV.  I wanted to become the next Billy Graham.  It was another year or two later, after we started attending an evangelical church, that I put my faith in Jesus as my Savior.  The first one in my entire family of 8.  Unfortunately, by the time I graduated from high school, I had lost sight of the dream.  I got a job and went to work.  Was married.  In 1976 I enrolled at Houghton College, south of Buffalo, to pursue a degree in pastoral ministry.  I went for a week.  I really enjoyed it.  But I was working rotating shifts at a paper plant.  And it was an hour-plus commute there and back each day.  So I prayed about it.  And withdrew.  At least I got all my tuition money back!

In the Spring of 1988 I talked to Beth about attending Bible College.  It seemed like the impossible dream.  I would have to quit my job.  (I was the only one working).  We had 3 children.  We’d have to sell our house.  (It was a fixer-upper that we didn’t have the money to fix!).  We had an old beater of a car.  And no money!  Well, how was this going to work out?  I applied to Crown College and was accepted.  We put our house up for sale.  (It didn’t sell until 18 months later - and then we practically gave it away!)  We sold or gave away a lot of our furniture.  I quit my job.  We packed up our car and an old pick-up truck and headed for the college.  What a traumatic move that was!  We left behind both sets of parents.  All of our friends.  The only place we’d ever lived.  I felt like Abraham.  (Except that I knew where I was going).  I just didn’t know how we were ever going to make it work!  Needless to say God provided everything that we needed.  I received some scholarships.  I qualified for some grants.  I worked 20 hours a week.  Beth went to work at a local daycare.  All of this led to the momentous day in 1992.  Which, in turn, led us to Kalispell a few months later.  The place we continue to minister at.

Why do I share this story?  Well, not only because it means so much to me, but also to encourage you.  You see, when we headed off to Crown College in Minnesota, we were no different than you.  We had everyday lives and commitments. Then God came calling.  He put me in a situation where I was desperate - so desperate that I would do anything!  Which led me to do something that, on paper, looked impossible.  And that many friends and relatives thought was crazy.  Of course, I didn’t do this without a lot of prayer.  And seeking the guidance of spiritually-mature believers.  But it was still a huge step of faith.  The financial, emotional and spiritual costs were enormous.  The point is this: God rewards faith.  Always has and always will.  And the bigger the step of faith the bigger the reward.

So where have you taken a step of faith lately?  Have you witnessed to somebody?  Or taken on a new ministry in your church?  Have you begun tithing?  Or given money that you didn’t have to give?  Have you recently quit your job?  Or taken another one?  Have you started a business?  Or joined a league or an organization?  It doesn’t matter what you’ve done.  It only matters that you’ve done something.  Anything.  That you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone into the unknown.  That you’re faith is in God.  Remember:  No matter how big or small the step of faith is, every step of faith is a step toward God!

Lord, I thank you for the way that You rewarded our faith 24 years ago when we left New York to attend Crown College.  How uncertain those days were!  There were so many questions and so few answers.  And yet You led, provided, and blessed all along the way.  And now I look back and see all the fruit from that one decision.  And I am amazed!  Help me to continue to walk by faith.  And so please You.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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