Most people probably don’t have any scruples over using it. As I said, so many people use it as a regular part of their vocabulary that it doesn’t even raise an eyebrow. However, as a Christian, I have always felt a little uncomfortable when I hear it. Call me old-fashioned but why would I want to mention the name of God in situations where I really am not even thinking about Him? It seems like a rather careless and frivolous use of His name. Even if it is His generic name. No, I don’t believe that it’s the same as swearing or taking His name in vain. But it is close. Close enough that I prefer not to use it.
My understanding of God’s name, whether you want to use the generic ‘God’, or a specific name of His, is that it is sacred. Holy. Special. Obviously we need to use His name when referring to Him. And He is OK with that. But using His name also comes with a certain amount of responsibility. I take this to mean that we should use His name with respect. Fear. Awe. Somehow blurting out His name dozens of times a day, without even thinking about Him, just to express surprise or shock, doesn’t seem very respectful.
The point is that there is a specialness to God. He is different. Vastly different from any human being. Infinitely so. He is the very embodiment of holiness. Purity. Righteousness. This specialness applies to anything associated with God. His name. His word, the Bible. His church. His people.
Now I’m not going to be dogmatic or legalistic about this. If you want to continue to use this expression that’s between you and God. I prefer to say something else. Such as ‘Oh my gosh’ or ‘Oh my goodness’. I know that there are some who would take exception to using even these expressions. They would prefer something quite different from OMG altogether. As I said, I believe that this is a matter of personal preference. It is between the individual and God.
To me, this and many other things that we say and do, fall under the broad category of I Corinthians 10:31, “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” I love God. I want to honor Him. And treat Him with the respect and awe that He deserves. I hope that you do too.
Lord, I thank you that because of the blood of Jesus I now have a relationship with You. And that I can come confidently before Your Presence. Help me never to abuse this privilege. Or to treat You, or anything about You, in a vulgar or disrespectful manner. Including Your wonderful, holy, majestic name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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