As of the end of August I am embarking on my 20th year of ministry. All at the same church. My first church. No one would have thought that would happen 20 years ago. There was some discussion on the Board at the time about whether I had enough experience? (I didn’t.) There was also some concern about whether a native New Yorker would do well in northwest Montana? (I have.) In the end it was one Board member, Steve Bakke, who persuaded the church to hire me. Thanks Steve! When I arrived I was hoping that, best case scenario, I would make it 10 years. I am now in the process of doubling that. Who knew?
Of course, a lot of ministry has happened over these almost 20 years. I’ve preached close to 1,000 sermons. Taught countless Sunday School classes. And led numerous Board meetings. I’ve also officiated at many weddings, funerals, and child dedications. I’ve baptized a number of people and been privileged to lead many to the Lord. Tens of thousands of prayers have been answered. During this time a lot of people have come and gone in the church. Some have died. Some have moved. Others have simply left. There’s only a handful of people who still attend who were here 20 years ago.
As I go through my 20th year of ministry it is a time of celebration. Certainly God has blessed both me, my family, and our church in many ways. So many people have prayed, given, loved and served in order to get this far. It is also a time for reflection. What has God done? Where has He worked? What still needs to be done? What does He want us to do? How have I grown as a pastor? As a child of God? Where do I still need to grow?
So, how does one go about reaching a significant milestone in ministry? Or a job? Or marriage? One day at a time. That is the irony in all this. In between the great days and the bad ones, are thousands of ordinary days. Days when nothing extraordinary happened. But it is all these ordinary days that add up to produce a milestone. A legacy. A life.
That’s why faithfulness is so important. Simply getting up each day and doing what we know we are supposed to do. Doing God’s will, the best we understand it, the best we know how. If we keep doing this, the milestones will come. And eventually the rewards. In Heaven. By Jesus. Now that is something to look forward to. And work toward!
Lord, I thank you for the significant milestones that occur in my life. Birthdays. Anniversaries. Years of ministry. These are a result of my faithfulness to You and Your faithfulness to me. Thank you for being there in the good times, the bad times, and in the ordinary days in between. Help me to continue to depend on You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Of course, a lot of ministry has happened over these almost 20 years. I’ve preached close to 1,000 sermons. Taught countless Sunday School classes. And led numerous Board meetings. I’ve also officiated at many weddings, funerals, and child dedications. I’ve baptized a number of people and been privileged to lead many to the Lord. Tens of thousands of prayers have been answered. During this time a lot of people have come and gone in the church. Some have died. Some have moved. Others have simply left. There’s only a handful of people who still attend who were here 20 years ago.
As I go through my 20th year of ministry it is a time of celebration. Certainly God has blessed both me, my family, and our church in many ways. So many people have prayed, given, loved and served in order to get this far. It is also a time for reflection. What has God done? Where has He worked? What still needs to be done? What does He want us to do? How have I grown as a pastor? As a child of God? Where do I still need to grow?
So, how does one go about reaching a significant milestone in ministry? Or a job? Or marriage? One day at a time. That is the irony in all this. In between the great days and the bad ones, are thousands of ordinary days. Days when nothing extraordinary happened. But it is all these ordinary days that add up to produce a milestone. A legacy. A life.
That’s why faithfulness is so important. Simply getting up each day and doing what we know we are supposed to do. Doing God’s will, the best we understand it, the best we know how. If we keep doing this, the milestones will come. And eventually the rewards. In Heaven. By Jesus. Now that is something to look forward to. And work toward!
Lord, I thank you for the significant milestones that occur in my life. Birthdays. Anniversaries. Years of ministry. These are a result of my faithfulness to You and Your faithfulness to me. Thank you for being there in the good times, the bad times, and in the ordinary days in between. Help me to continue to depend on You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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