You really can’t appreciate it until you don’t have it. Then you
realize its value. Take the winters here in the Flathead Valley, for
example. Because of the nearby mountains it is not uncommon for us to
get socked-in with clouds. Not for just a day or two. But for a couple
of weeks! Now let me tell you, after a couple weeks of not seeing the
sun, just about everybody is depressed. As humans, we like to see the
sun. On a frequent basis. When we don’t, we miss it.
same is true for other lights. Walk into a dingy or dark room and
there is nothing much to see. However, get a few lights going and the
whole atmosphere changes. Designers and architects know this. That is
why they devote so much time and energy to getting just the right
amount, and types, of lights. In the design world, lighting is
One of the features of light that I find fascinating is just how far it can be seen. Living on the south side of Kalispell I can see lights on the distant mountainside. These lights are probably coming from someone’s porch or garage. Now the fact is that these lights are probably 3 or more miles away. But they stand out in stark contrast to the dark mountainside around it. The same is true on water. You can be out in the middle of Flathead Lake at night, miles from shore, and yet still see all kinds of lights in the distance.
Of course any discussion about the visibility of light from a great distance has to include the stars. Early in the morning or late at night I am always amazed to go outside and see how brightly they shine. Especially considering that they are at least 4 light years away. That is the closest star. Many are much further away.
This brings us to Philippians 2:14-15. “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.” What these verses are saying is that when we live for God the way that we should, our lives will stand out to others. Just like stars do at night. People will notice us. They will see the light of God’s glory in us. As such, they receive hope. Direction. Joy.
So many times we feel that, as Christians, our lives don’t count. That we really don't matter much for the Kingdom. But that is not true! As we have already seen, even a single, solitary light can be seen for miles around. You may be the only Christian in someone’s life. They notice you. They might not say it but you are the bright spot in their life. The only ray of hope in an otherwise dark existence. Don’t get discouraged. You’re having an impact. In your home. School. Work. Community. And as the world get darker as a result of sin, your life is going to shine that much brighter. Your honesty, your kindness, your compassion and love will be noticed by others. And just like a moth on a summer night they are going to be attracted to you. And, in turn, to Jesus. Isn’t that a great thought?
So don’t give up. Your life does count. You are being noticed. Let your light be all that it was intended to be. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine.
Lord I thank you that I have the light of Your presence living in me. I might not realize it at times but it is shining for others to see. And appreciate. It brings them hope. And direction. And joy. May You use this little light to show others the way to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

One of the features of light that I find fascinating is just how far it can be seen. Living on the south side of Kalispell I can see lights on the distant mountainside. These lights are probably coming from someone’s porch or garage. Now the fact is that these lights are probably 3 or more miles away. But they stand out in stark contrast to the dark mountainside around it. The same is true on water. You can be out in the middle of Flathead Lake at night, miles from shore, and yet still see all kinds of lights in the distance.
Of course any discussion about the visibility of light from a great distance has to include the stars. Early in the morning or late at night I am always amazed to go outside and see how brightly they shine. Especially considering that they are at least 4 light years away. That is the closest star. Many are much further away.
This brings us to Philippians 2:14-15. “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.” What these verses are saying is that when we live for God the way that we should, our lives will stand out to others. Just like stars do at night. People will notice us. They will see the light of God’s glory in us. As such, they receive hope. Direction. Joy.
So many times we feel that, as Christians, our lives don’t count. That we really don't matter much for the Kingdom. But that is not true! As we have already seen, even a single, solitary light can be seen for miles around. You may be the only Christian in someone’s life. They notice you. They might not say it but you are the bright spot in their life. The only ray of hope in an otherwise dark existence. Don’t get discouraged. You’re having an impact. In your home. School. Work. Community. And as the world get darker as a result of sin, your life is going to shine that much brighter. Your honesty, your kindness, your compassion and love will be noticed by others. And just like a moth on a summer night they are going to be attracted to you. And, in turn, to Jesus. Isn’t that a great thought?
So don’t give up. Your life does count. You are being noticed. Let your light be all that it was intended to be. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine.
Lord I thank you that I have the light of Your presence living in me. I might not realize it at times but it is shining for others to see. And appreciate. It brings them hope. And direction. And joy. May You use this little light to show others the way to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Yes! Great to hear Pastor Jim...That is GOOD news brother!