The fact is that not only did God create the world, in a sense, so do we. As the bumper sticker implies, each of us has a hand in creating the world we live in. Some for the better. Others for the worse. If we love God and our neighbor, we make the world a better place. If we despise God and our neighbor, we make the world a worse place. In the end, everyone of us is somewhat responsible for the condition of the world we live in.
Now while it is a noble thing to want to create a better world, Christians have a much higher purpose than this. We are busy creating the world God wants to see. A world of love. Righteousness. Holiness. A world where grace and forgiveness are freely given. A world where the word of the Lord is treasured. And obeyed. A world where God reigns in the hearts of humankind.
The good news is that someday the world that God wants, the world that we really want, is going to become reality. The wolf will dwell with the lamb (Isaiah 11:6). The earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:9). The glory of the Lord will be revealed (Isaiah 40:5).
So as the world appears to get worse and worse, we should not despair. Our individual efforts might not seem like much now but they are adding up. As we attempt to do the will of God on a daily basis there will come a day when our efforts will pay off. Jesus will return. Peace will be restored. His righteous reign will begin. And never end. The world will be the way that He originally created it to be.
Lord, I thank you that through Your Holy Spirit living in me that I am a change-agent in this world. That little by little, I am helping to transform this world into the world that You want. Help me to remember this. And not get discouraged. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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