Our 2-year-old grandson, Jaydon, has two things that he really likes at this stage in his life. The Wiggles. (If you’re the parent of a preschooler you know who they are). And Mickey Mouse. For his birthday in February Jaydon alternates between wanting a ‘Wiggles birthday’ and a ‘Mickey birthday’. If he had his choice he’d have 2 birthdays, one with each.

Now, the question is, why did we pay that much money for a toy? Because we know that he will love it. And because we love him. Since we love Jaydon we want to make him happy. And when we see the smile on his face and the look in his eyes on Christmas morning, it will make both of us happy as well.
Isn’t it great to purchase or do things for the people we love in life? A child. A grandchild. A parent. A spouse. There is something about knowing how much they will like our gift or our good deed that gives us joy. We are happy making them happy. This is a picture of God.
In Psalm 147:11 we are told that “the Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.” The key word in this verse is ‘delights’. It is the Lord who delights. And who does He delight in? Us! Wow! What a great thought this is. What kind of image does this evoke in our minds? An eager Father. Someone who wants to do something special for his child. Someone who wants to make them happy. Someone who wants to make their dreams come true. As a result, we read in I Corinthians 2:9 that “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him.” God is so overjoyed at the prospect of our spending eternity in Heaven with Him that He has pulled out all the stops to provide us with things from His heart. I don’t know what those ‘things’ are since I couldn’t even conceive of them. But I do know that, whatever they are, they will make us happy. They will cause us to appreciate God. And love Him.
What a great God we have! A God who has provided for our salvation. A God who gives us all kinds of blessings in this life. A God who wants to show His love for us in unimaginable ways for all of eternity. Our response? Gratitude. Worship. Service.
Lord, how wonderful You are. Not only can I not conceive of the blessings that You have waiting for me in Heaven, I can not conceive just how wonderful, how special, how glorious You are. How blessed I am to know, love and serve You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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