Impressions. Have you ever thought about them? We deal with them more than we realize. For example, if we are having dental work done (a bridge or dentures) we will need to have an impression made. An impression is a replica of our teeth. Or where they used to be. It is needed so that our new teeth can be fashioned to fit as closely as possible. In a job interview, making a good first impression is very important. This could be the difference between our getting the job and not getting the job. The reality is that impressions are important in any relationship - in business, at work, on a team, when looking for a spouse, etc. They will either help us or hinder us.
When I stop and think about it, an impression is what we leave behind. It is the mark or pattern that is left behind on a piece of leather. Or wax. Or clay. Or a back yard. Or lives. Yes, lives. Someday when God calls us from this earth we are going to leave behind impressions in the lives of others. Are they going to be good impressions or bad ones? Are people going to remember our kindness, generosity, faith and love - or our anger, bitterness, moodiness and selfishness? Right now, at this very moment, we are making dozens, if not hundreds, of impressions in others. I want the impression I leave behind to be a good one. A godly one. One that will benefit others and further God's kingdom. I’m sure you do too.
Only one life, ‘twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.
Lord, thank you for the opportunity that I have to make impressions in the lives of others. I pray that Your Spirit will enable me to leave behind a good impression - of a life lived to its fullest for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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