Sunday, May 8, 2011


Being a man I understand a lot about what it means to be a man and what men are like.  (At least I hope I do!)  In sticking up for my gender, I would like to acknowledge that us men bring a lot of good things to the table - strength, courage, calmness in crisis, adventure, competitiveness, the ability to focus on one thing, etc.  Now while these are all good qualities (when used in the God-intended way) would I want to live in world with only men?  Absolutely not!

As I consider women, and in particular, moms, they also bring a lot to the table - and they greatly enrich the lives of us men, as well as their children.  A mother brings kindness & compassion, tenderness & mercy.  She brings a nurturing spirit that instinctively knows when a child is sick or hungry or depressed - things that many guys might not detect.  A mother is also very protective of her children and often senses harmful or dangerous situations a mile away.  Mothers are good at listening to and understanding their children - of being able to give each child what they need.  They can also multitask (this is mandatory with motherhood!) and they have the capacity to love their children with a love that will triumph over the most desperate of situations.

In short, God knew that we needed mothers and so He created them.  They are not some sort of luxury or option - they are an absolute necessity!  We don't always understand or appreciate them the way that we should but they are indispensable to our world and make it a much better place - a place where God's hand can be more clearly seen!

Lord, thank you for creating the institution of motherhood.  Thank you for all the great qualities that You have endowed mothers with and which they use so unselfishly.  Help us to appreciate them and not take them for granted.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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