Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Dad And The Lawn

We grew up in a low-income housing project back in Niagara Falls, New York.  As a result of this, we had what I call was a ‘city’ lawn.  It’s the kind of lawn that most houses in the city have - small.  To show how small it was, during summer my father would mow both the front and back lawns in about 20 minutes.  With a rotary push mower.  Enough said.

About the time I became a teenager I wanted to mow lawns.  There was this elderly neighbor who needed his lawn cut.  And he was willing to pay someone to do it.  Not only was the prospect of getting some unheard-of cash in my happy little hands very exciting, so was getting to use the lawnmower.  It was sharp.  It could hurt someone.  The result?  No children allowed.  So getting to use the lawnmower was a kind of rite of passage for me.

Well, my dad, being the thorough kind of guy he was, didn’t just turn me loose with the lawnmower.  Oh, no.  He had to instruct me on how to operate it.  First, there was the proper stance so that you could push it.  Then there was the admonition about being careful not to hit any rocks, sticks or other objects that might dull the blade.  Finally, there was the half-cut method.  This meant that you only mowed half the width of the lawnmower.  The idea being that when you came back the opposite way, you mowed the same patch of grass from the opposite direction.  This ensured that you cut the lawn thoroughly.  That there would be no isolated patches of uncut lawn leftover from trying to cut too much with each pass.  Unfortunately, it also meant basically cutting the lawn twice.

After the newness of mowing the lawn wore off (it always does, and rather quickly) I no longer appreciated my dad’s method of cutting the grass.  So I started cheating.  Taking 3/4's cuts.  Sometimes even whole-width cuts.  Even more than whole-width cuts!  Of course, the inevitable happened.  The result was isolated patches of uncut grass.  Grass that was an eye-sore compared to the rest of the lawn.  Grass that I needed to go back and cut.

Now I am much older.  And wiser.  I still mow the lawn.  But not with a rotary mower!  I use a gas, self-propelled walk-behind mower.  It takes me about 90 minutes to mow my entire lawn.  I can’t say that I really enjoy it.  (I sort of envy my dad’s ‘city’-sized lawn).  But my large lawn gives me a little space from my neighbors.  And it’s great for the grandkids.  Funny thing is, as much as I dislike mowing the lawn, I find myself cutting it half the width of the mower!  Why, I don’t know.  Because I can cut the whole width of the mower if I want to.  There’s nothing preventing me from doing that.  So, why do I mow my lawn dad’s way?

I suppose it’s because I see the logic behind what my dad was teaching me way back then.  He wasn’t teaching me how to mow the lawn so much as he was teaching me how to do the job right.  The first time.  Because my reputation was on the line.  Because lifelong habits were being formed.  Habits that would serve me well later in life.  Habits that, if they were bad, would be difficult to break.

I find that our Heavenly Father often does the same thing with us.  He teaches us certain methods.  He instructs us in certain ways.  Methods and ways that we often don’t understand.  Methods and ways that we often rebel against.  And resist.  Such as the way to greatness is through servanthood.  The way to glory is humility.  The way to strength is weakness.  Funny thing is, that there are reasons why God teaches us the methods & ways that He does.  They are for our benefit.  They help form our character.  Character that will pay rich dividends throughout our lives.  Character that will positively impact the lives of others.

Of course, when I taught my sons how to mow the lawn, I taught them the half-cut method.  I’m not sure that they appreciated it.  (Most teens don't.)  And if I get a chance to teach my grandchildren how to mow the lawn, you can be sure that I am going to teach them the half-cut method as well.  Why?  Because I’m not just teaching them how to mow the lawn.  Like dad, I’m teaching them good habits.  Habits that will have a positive impact on them the rest of their lives.

Lord, I thank you for a father who was wise.  A man who taught me life lessons at an early age.  I also thank you for the life lessons that You are teaching me.  May I pay attention to them.  Implement them.  And be blessed by them.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Flat Sheets Or Fitted?

I try to help out my wife Beth around the house whenever I can.  Once or twice a week this means folding the laundry for her.  Sometimes that involves folding the sheets.  What I have learned after many years of marriage is that there are 2 kinds of sheets - fitted and flat.  Fitted sheets go directly on the mattress.  They usually are a struggle to get on because they fit so tight.  Which is good.  I hate sloppy sheets.  The flat sheet then gets put on top of the fitted sheet.  And pulled back slightly at the top.  When you go to sleep at night you sleep between the fitted sheet (bottom) and the flat sheet (top).  OK.  Sheets 101.  Back to the folding part.

Flat sheets are easy to fold.  Whichever way that you fold them (and it seems that there are several ways to do this), since they are rectangular, they match up nicely.  Fold in half.  Fold in half again.  Fold the other way several times and presto, you have a nicely folded sheet.  Not so with fitted sheets.

Fitted sheets have those pesky corners that make them fit very snug on the mattress.  But they are terrible for folding.  What I normally try to do is to put the corners of one end of the sheet and then match them with the corners of the other side.  Because of the layout of the fitted sheet, this is an approximation at best.  Then I fold the sheet in half the other way so that both corners match.  Again, this is an approximation.  Then I just start randomly folding until the fitted sheet is about the same size as the flat sheet.  Unfortunately, when I am finished folding it, the fitted sheet couldn’t look any worse than if I had just rolled it up into a ball.  The point is that flat sheets are a perfectionist’s dream.  Fitted sheets are a perfectionist’s nightmare.

Is this a lot like life or what!  There are some areas of our lives that are like flat sheets.  These areas differ from person to person.  For some people a ‘flat sheet’ could be their finances.  Or their house.  Their yard.  Their job.  The point is that these areas are nice and neat.  Organized.  And we are able to manage them fairly well.  Then there are the areas of our lives that are more like fitted sheets.  How appropriate since they actually give us ‘fits’!  Again, these areas differ from person to person.  Finances.  House.  Yard.  Job.  The point is that these areas are a mess.  They look like a bomb has exploded.  We have little semblance of control over them and most of the time they control us.  We try to get these areas to look like the flat sheets but to no avail.  They are what they are.  A jumbled mess.

Lately I have been finding a disturbing trend in my life.  I don’t know if it’s the fact that I am getting old, busier, or less ambitious (or maybe a combination of all three) but I am finding that some former ‘flat sheet’ areas have now become ‘fitted sheet’ areas.  They are a mess.  And so am I.  I keep trying to get them back under control but it ain’t happening!  This leaves me with two choices - renew my efforts to get these areas back under control, to make them a little more organized and manageable - or to accept the fact that they are not going to be nice and neat anytime soon.  If ever.

The good news is that we don’t have to be perfect.  (That is very good news!)  We don’t have to have every single area of our lives organized.  And under control.  In fact, a quick survey of the Bible finds that many people mentioned in its pages didn’t have their lives totally in order.  Jesus did.  But Peter didn’t.  In fact, Peter had a lot of loose ends in his life.  So did David.  And Abraham.  And many others.  So if people like these didn’t have their act entirely together, what are we worrying and stressing about?  The truth is that Jesus loves us exactly the way we are.  Mess and all.  Yes, He wants us to grow and mature.  To allow the Holy Spirit to tidy up some untidy areas of our lives.  But we don’t have to be perfect in order to receive Jesus’ love and approval.  We already have it!

So let’s go ahead and celebrate the flat sheets in our lives.  And be glad that at least some areas are in pretty decent shape.  But let’s not be ashamed of the fitted sheets either.  Life is messy.  Some areas just don’t just come together very nicely.  And there’s not much we can do about it.  Flat or fitted, we have to rely on Jesus anyway!

Lord, although I wish that I were on top of every area of my life, the reality is that I am not.  And I fear that some areas are never going to be what I want them to be.  Or what You want them to be.  I must remember that I am still a work in progress.  Thank you for Your willingness to help me.  With both the fitted sheets as well as the flat ones.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Friday, July 13, 2012

A God Who Flushes Toilets

As I recall, our oldest grandson, Brett, seemed to get the hang of being potty-trained fairly easy.  Of course, one of the reasons why he did so well was his fascination with the whole process.  First, there was his excitement of being able to produce lots of bubbles when he peed in the toilet.  Then there was his fascination with flushing the toilet and watching everything make a downward spiral and out of sight.  When a child gets to this stage your water bill will automatically spike.  It’s because they often flush the toilet multiple times.  Whether it needs to be flushed or not.  Just for the fun of it.

Unfortunately, over the past couple years, Brett’s fascination with flushing has been replaced by absent-mindedness.  Lately whenever I go in to use the guest bathroom, I find that it has not been flushed.  It seems that Brett now has other things on his mind (like getting to the dinner table or going outside) so he often forgets to flush the toilet.  The past month or so Beth and I have reminded him several times that he needs to complete the process.  He needs to flush the toilet.

This past week Brett joined me up at Dickey Lake Bible Camp for a day.  Several times in our journeys back and forth across the camp I had to stop in and use the restroom.  (It seems that the older you get, the more you need to go.)  Now historically, camp restrooms are not always the cleanest of places, especially during a children’s camp.  Used paper towels on the counter or on the floor.  A few articles of clothing lying around.  And unflushed toilets.  It seems like every time we went in to use the restroom, it smelled.  Bad.  Brett noticed the odor right away.  I told him to check the toilets.  There were 3 of them.  Sure enough, at least one if not two toilets had not been flushed.  So Brett flushed them.  And the smell gradually dissipated.  This led to a good discussion with Brett about why it’s important to flush the toilet after using it.  If you don’t, the bathroom will start to smell.  Besides, neither you nor anyone else really wants to see what you left behind.  (Behind - get it!)

As I thought about this it reminded me of an important spiritual truth.  The Bible says that sin is nasty.  Disgusting.  Smelly.  Putrid.  It smells up a person’s life.  And it is unsightly.  The fact is that we are repulsed at the sight of our sins.  So are others.  And so is God.  Fortunately, God made a way for our sins to be flushed away.  This ‘way’ was a result of Jesus’ death on the cross.  When Jesus uttered the words ‘It is finished’ and died on the cross, forgiveness for our sins was made available to us.  When we repent and confess our sins, and ask for forgiveness, God does just that.  He forgives them.  This is the equivalent of Him flushing our sins so that they disappear.  Never to be seen again.  All the putridness, all the smell, all the repulsiveness, are gone in an instant!  Gone forever!  And whenever we subsequently sin, I John 1:9 tells us all we need to do is repent, confess those sins, and God will flush them away as well.

Wow!  A God who is willing to flush toilets!  Our toilet!  Someone who won’t let the smell and the putridness of our sins put Him off.  A God who is willing to do whatever it takes to make us holy.  Righteous.  Pure.  What a wonderful God we have!

Lord, there are times when I am absolutely horrified by the ugliness, the putridness, the stench of my sins.  I am so glad that You provided a way to get rid of them.  That in Your love and grace, You flush them away.  All of them.  Forever.  Thank you for Your willingness to do this for me.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.